13.01.2021г. В представленном ниже файле (в эмуляторе) общая ( и конкретная) идея и схема периодического переключения индуктивности в колебательном RLC контуре, позволяющая, по законам коммутации и сохранения заряда, получить неисчерпаемую электрическую энергию (вечный двигатель) в относительной точке (в электрической схеме). Схема, с некоторыми, функционально несущественными изменениями, опубликована в интернет с 2009 года, а позже в статье научного авторитетного журнала и в книгах Зиновьева В.П., в качестве, практически подтвержденого специалистами, 30 - кратного КПД (30 единиц, или 3000% КПД), при непрерывных трех Ваттах входной и около 100 Ватт выходной мощностях. (Схема спаяна на реальных отечественных транзисторах). Автор: Зиновьев Владимир Петрович.
13.01.2021g. In the file given below (in the emulator) the general (and concrete) idea and the scheme periodic switching of inductance in oscillatory RLC a contour, allowing, under laws switching and preservation of a charge to receive inexhaustible electric energy (perpetual motion machine) in a relative point (in an electric circuit). The scheme, with some, functionally insignificant changes, it is published in the Internet since 2009, and later in article of the scientific authoritative magazine and in Zinovyev V.P. books, in quality, almost confirmed with experts, 30 - multiple efficiency (30 units, or 3000% of efficiency), at continuous three Watts entrance and about 100 Watts day off capacities. (The scheme is soldered on real domestic transistors). Author: Zinovyev Vladimir Petrovich.
13.01.2021г. In der vorgestellten niedriger Datei (im Emulator) allgemein (und konkret) die Idee und das Schema Der periodischen Umschaltung der Induktivitat in schwingungs- RLC die Kontur, erlaubend, nach den Gesetzen Der Umschaltung und der Erhaltung der Ladung, die unerschopfliche elektrische Energie (das Perpetuum mobile) zu bekommen Im relativen Punkt (im elektrischen Schema). Das Schema, mit einigen, funktional unwesentlich Von den Veranderungen, ist ins Internet ab 2009, und spater im Artikel der wissenschaftlichen ma?geblichen Zeitschrift veroffentlicht Und in den Buchern Sinowjewa des Jh. P, in der Qualitat, es ist podtwerschdenogo von den Fachkraften, 30 - des divisibel Wirkungsgrades praktisch (30 Einheiten, oder 3000 % der Wirkungsgrad), bei drei ununterbrochenen Watt eingangs- und daneben 100 Watt der arbeitsfreie Tag die Machte. (Das Schema ist auf den realen einheimischen Transistoren) verknupft. Der Autor: Sinowjew Wladimir Petrowitsch.
13.01.2021г. Dans le fichier presente plus bas (dans l'emulateur) total (et concret) l'idee et le schema De la commutation periodique de l'auto-inductance a vibratoire RLC le contour, permettant, d'apres les lois De la commutation et la preservation de la charge, recevoir l'energie inepuisable electrique (le moteur eternel) Dans le point relatif (dans le schema electrique). Le schema, avec certain, fonctionnellement insignifiant Par les changements, est publiee a Internet des 2009, et plus tard dans l'article de la revue scientifique autoritaire Et dans les livres de Zinov'eva de S. de P., en qualite, pratiquement podtverjdenogo par les specialistes, 30 - le rendement multiple (30 unites, ou 3000 % du rendement), a trois Watts continus d'entree et pres de 100 Watt le jour ferie les capacites. (Le schema est soule sur les transistors reels nationaux). L'auteur : Zinov'ev Vladimir Petrovitch.
В представленном ниже файле общая ( и конкретная) идея и схема (периодического переключения индуктивности в колебательном RLC контуре) автора Зиновьева Владимира Петровича:

Скачать файл: файл zip Вечный двигатель EWB512.zip (4.82Mb)

Ниже представлена схема вечного двигателя на транзисторах, демонстрирующая, с помощью эмулятора EWB512, киловатты непрерывной мощности. Она сложна в практическом применении из-за неустойчивости работы при положительных обратных связях, а также из-за нелинейностей свойств, параметров и характеристик компонентов.
Is given the scheme of the perpetual motion machine on transistors showing Below by means of the EWB512 emulator, kilowatts of continuous power. It is difficult in practical application because of instability of work at positive feedback, and also because of not linearities properties, parameters and characteristics of components.
Ist das Schema des Perpetuum mobile auf den Transistoren, demonstrierend niedriger vorgestellt, Mit Hilfe des Emulators EWB512, die Kilowatt der ununterbrochenen Macht. Sie ist in der praktischen Anwendung kompliziert Wegen der Instabilitat der Arbeit bei den positiven Ruckkopplungen, sowie wegen nelinejnostej Der Eigenschaften, der Parameter und der Charakteristiken der Komponenten.
On plus bas presente le schema du moteur eternel sur les transistors, presentant, Avec l'aide de l'emulateur EWB512, les kilowatts de la capacite continue. Elle est complexe dans l'application pratique A cause de l'instabilite du travail aux liaisons en retour positives, ainsi qu'a cause de nelinejnostej Des proprietes, les parametres et les caracteristiques des composants.

Ниже представлена схема (из произведений Зиновьева Владимира Петровича), с помощью эмулятора EWB512 подтверждающая справедливость формулы КПД = 4 - 4К. Ошибки измерений обусловлены свойствами, параметрами и характеристиками компонентов схемы и эмулятора. The scheme (from Zinovyev Vladimir Petrovich's works), by means of the EWB512 emulator is given below the confirming justice of a formula of efficiency = 4 - 4K. Errors of measurements are caused by properties, parameters and characteristics of components of the scheme and emulator. Niedriger ist das Schema (aus den Werken Sinowjewa Wladimirs Petrowitscha), mit Hilfe des Emulators EWB512 vorgestellt. Die bestatigende Gerechtigkeit der Formel des Wirkungsgrades = 4 - 4К. Die Fehler der Messungen sind von den Eigenschaften bedingt, In den Parametern und den Charakteristiken der Komponenten des Schemas und des Emulators. On plus bas presente le schema (des oeuvres de Zinov'eva Vladimir Petrovitch), avec l'aide de l'emulateur EWB512 La justice confirmant de la formule du rendement = 4 - 4К. Les erreurs des mesures sont conditionnees par les proprietes, Par les parametres et les caracteristiques des composants du schema et l'emulateur.

С 30 ноября 2019 г, по 20 мая 2020 г, две научные книги и две научные статьи, представленные в научных авторитетных журналах, по теме "Регулировка бесконечной энергии точки", прошли 7 лет (3 года НИР, 2 года ОКР и два года освоения) вместе со своими фундаментальными научными формулами, уравнениями, схемами, теорией и практикой, применяемыми во всех областях наук, техники и образования, и вступили в стадию реализации.
С 30 ноября 2020 г, по 20 мая 2021 года начнется финансовая гос. отчетность, в РФ и во всех странах, по этим книгам, статьям и их материалам во всех областях наук, техники и образования, с представлением сумм размеров авторского вознаграждения, согласно законам экономики.
Since November 30, 2019, till May 20, 2020, two scientific books and two scientific articles, presented in scientific authoritative magazines, on the subject "Adjustment of Infinite Energy of a Point", passed 7 years (3 years of NIR, 2 years of ROC and two years of development) together with the fundamental the scientific formulas, the equations, schemes, the theory and practice applied in all areas of sciences technicians and educations, also entered a realization stage.
Since November 30, 2020, on May 20, 2021 the state will begin financial. the reporting, in the Russian Federation and in all countries, according to these books, articles and their materials in all areas of sciences, equipment and education, with representation of the sums of the sizes of award, according to laws of economy.
Ab dem 30. November 2019 g, bis zum 20. Mai 2020 g, zwei wissenschaftliche Bucher und zwei wissenschaftliche Artikel, Vorgestellt in den wissenschaftlichen ma?geblichen Zeitschriften, nach dem Thema "Regulierung der unendlichen Energie des Punktes", Sind 7 Jahre (3 Jahre NIR, 2 Jahre OKR und zwei Jahre der Aneignung) zusammen mit den Grundlegenden gegangen Von den wissenschaftlichen Formelen, den Angleichungen, den Schemen, der Theorie und den Praxen, die auf allen Gebieten der Wissenschaften verwendet werden, Der Technik und der Bildung, haben das Stadium der Realisierung eben betreten.
Ab dem 30. November 2020 wird g, bis zum 20. Mai 2021 finanziell gos anfangen. Das Berichtswesen, in der Russischen Foderation und in allen Landern, Nach diesen Buchern, den Artikeln und ihren Materialien auf allen Gebieten der Wissenschaften, der Technik und der Bildung, Mit der Vorstellung der Summen der Umfange des Autorenhonorars, nach den Gesetzen der Wirtschaft.

1 апреля 2019 года 300 научных книг (по общей физике) Зиновьева Владимира Петровича
и 157 научных книг (по общей физике) Зиновьевой Аллы Владимировны проходят третью годовщину (срок НИР) регистрации в РФ и становятся научно достоверными для науки и практики.
On April 1, 2019 300 scientific books (on the general physics) Zinovyev Vladimir Petrovich and 157 scientific books (on the general physics) Zinovyeva Alla Vladimirovna take place the third anniversary (NIR term) of registration in the Russian Federation and become scientifically reliable for science and practice.
Am 1. April 2019 300 wissenschaftliche Bucher (nach der allgemeinen Physik) Sinowjewa Wladimirs Petrowitscha Und 157 wissenschaftlicher Bucher (nach der allgemeinen Physik) Sinowjewoj Alla Wladimirowny Gehen den dritten Jahrestag (die Frist NIR) die Registrierungen in der Russischen Foderation und werden Wissenschaftlich glaubwurdig fur die Wissenschaft und die Praxis.

Здесь представляются выходные данные книг Зиновьева Владимира Петровича и Зиновьевой Аллы Владимировны с печатями РКП, свидетельствующими о 3-ей годовщине Госрегистрации в РФ этих книг. 3-я годовщина (срок НИР) доказывает признание научной достоверности материалов этих книг в РФ и за рубежом. Here the output data of books of Zinovyev Vladimir Petrovich and Zinovyeva Alla Vladimirovna is submitted with the seals of RCP testifying to the 3rd anniversary of Gosregistration in the Russian Federation of these books. The 3rd anniversary (NIR term) proves recognition of scientific reliability of materials of these books in the Russian Federation and abroad: Сканы книг, статей и документов с печатями. Scans of books, articles and documents with the seals. Вновь о погоде в Москве с 5:35 22.06.2012г.
Научные статьи и книги (более 300 научных книг по физике) Зиновьева Владимира Петровича по теме "Регулировка бесконечной энергии точки" в ведущих Государственных библиотеках России. ,например книга в РГБ.
Экономический эффект открытия.
Погода на Северном Полюсе, Погода на Южном Полюсе, Погода в Буде, Погода в Тромсе, Погода в Амдерме, Погода в Диксоне, Погода в Тикси, Погода в Певеке, Погода в Уэлене, Погода в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Бузулуке, Владивостоке, Казани, Новосибирске, Норильске, Оренбурге, Самаре, Сочи, Киеве, Одессе, Тбилиси, Минске, Ташкенте, Алма-Ате, Баку, Вильнюсе, Кишиневе, Риге, Фрунзе, Душанбе, Ереване, Ашхабаде, Таллине, Вашингтоне, Ньюйорке, Риме, Лондоне, Париже, Пекине, Токио, Аддис-Абебе, Анкаре, Афинах, Багдаде, Берлине, Берне, Гаване, Дели, Канберре, Каире, Кейптауне, Мадриде, Осло, Оттаве, Черчилле, Рио-де-Жанейро, Сантьяго, Сеуле, Сингапуре, Стокгольме, Тегеране, Тель-Авиве, Ханое, Хайфе, Хельсинки, Вене, Тиране, Андорре, Брюсселе, Софии, Будапеште, Гибралтаре, Копенгагене, Дублине, Рейкьявике, Вадуце, Люксембурге, Ла-Валлетте-ду-Варе, Монако, Амстердаме, Варшаве, Лиссабоне, Бухаресте, Сан-Марино, Бонне, Праге, Белграде, Кабуле, Дакке, Манаме, Тхимпху, Джакарте, Аммане, Сан-Диего, Пномпене, Дохе, Никосии, Пхеньяне, Эль-Кувейте, Вьентьяне, Бейруте, Куала-Лумпуре, Улан-Баторе, Адене, Катманду, Абу-Даби, Маскате, Исламабаде, Эр-Рияде, Дамаске, Гонконге, Бангкоке, Маниле, Коломбо, Алжире, Луанде, Порто-Ново, Габороне, Уагадугу, Бужумбуре, Либревиле, Банжуле, Аккре, Конакри, Бисау, Джибути, Каире, Киншасе, Лусаке, Браззавиле, Триполи, Порт-Луи, Антананариву, Мапуту, Виндхуке, Ниамее, Лагосе, Сен-Дени, Джеймстауне, Виктории, Дакаре, Могадишо, Тунисе, Нджамене, Претории, Санто-Доминго, Джорджтауне,

Вновь о погоде в Москве с 5:35 22.06.2012г.

Again about weather in Moscow from 5:35 22.06.2012г. _5:12 22.06.2012г. Знайка1298 " In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus fourteen and a half of degrees. Last years, and the academician Л. and many scientific planets continuously твердили about апокалипсисе 2012 and the next years, including 2013 is especial the last year. In 2010 terrible years(summer) heat with huge fires, smoke and гарью in Moscow and on all planet, have compelled "Н", "НГ" and "К" to join and to adjust a climate of Moscow and Russia by intensive works. As a result of these works, the summer of 2011 for Moscow and Russia has appeared immeasurably is more damp and more cool that a certain astrologist Рю predicted to Moscow and Russia in the summer and autumn of 2011 terrible heat, fires, smoke, гарь and continuous, continuous, mass (as to the flies) death and horrors, muscovites and Russians. To it(him) it has not passed. From fires, гари and smoke, Moscow and Russia were rescued per 20011 years by works "Н", "НГ" and "К". Mass наезды of many structures and озлобленных of the people since March and is especial of December, 2011 on "НГ", have made the dirty business. In February and March, 2012 in Moscow, Russia and on all planet mass epidemics from frosts raged. In Moscow, in 2010, June 22, at five o'clock in the morning was plus of twenty degrees, in the same time, in 2011, plus of seventeen degrees, and now, in this it is high time, for two and a half of degree is lower. Work "Н", "НГ", "К", the normal representatives of mankind and space, are swept away away by(with) the astrological and other forecasts, showing управляемость by any processes of space and planet with the help of activity of hands, body and consciousness. Due to the publications about works and technologies "Н", "НГ" and "К", the mankind is included in regulation of a climate of a planet and space more actively. It allows to liberate some time "Н" and "НГ", and to publish materials of adjustment of weather and results of works on electronics, power, and other new sciences of infinite energy of a point. Today экстремум of heat on a planet. "Н" And "НГ" again are included more actively in adjustment of a climate, taking into account spring epidemics and forecasts of the astrologists about апокалипсисе 2012 - 2013. Means, publication, on electronics, power and new sciences of a point, will be on the second plan. Despite of many preventions(warnings), some forums in the Internet are obstinate and озлобленно put the mass insults "Н" and "НГ", обгаживая "Эфалд", anonymously transforming it(him) in пакость, in кликухи and other мерзость. For it "Н" and "НГ" will punish the owners of these dirty forums, their accomplices and appropriate persons of ruling classes of a planet. But all the time. "Н" and "НГ" put regular impacts on the specified figures and those are cleaned(removed) from a planet. Now important отвратить апокалипсис to train mankind and nature of a planet for deduction of a normal climate. All rest minor and parallel. We work! 6:23 22.06.2012г. 28.06.2012г. 5:59:18. Urgent, special release. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus fourteen and a half of degrees. "Н", "НГ" and "К" since June 22 it, 2012 successfully hold северо - western direction of winds on Moscow, wide front banishing on it(her) a cool from Greenland and North Pole. As a result of such work almost all Europe, Moscow, Russia and even Юго - East Asia receive a moisture of oceans and cool. "НГ" believed in the beginning of spring of this year, that is necessary to hold in Moscow temperature 20 - 25 degrees and began it to carry out. But feeling of heat and Sensations of troubles did not give it(him) of rest. It is not enough of experience in of this business. Yesterday "НГ" has looked in the Internet the message on fires in USA and Russia. There are such messages on June 12, 2012. Now in USA storm fires, and in Russia on June 12, it appears there was terrible пожароопасная conditions with 129 fires in Siberia and Оренбуржье. The observers cooperating with "НГ" anything such did not hear on ТВ to channels, daily them looking through. Means, информслужбы of a planet hide the information. In time "НГ", "К" and "Н", чутьем and correctly have joined in a new direction - to hold damp and cool weather in Moscow, by submission of a cold of Greenland and North Pole. Let cool, but not fires both heat. Vegetables and fruit, Milk, vegetative and other food will be enough, if "Н", "К" and "НГ" can the year round keep about such weather in Moscow. Further they will correct weather that weather is necessary perfect, not hot and not морозная to all Russia and all planet. "Н", "К" and "НГ" began to hold a cool. At once have fallen silent the intrigues of campaign of installation of counters of water. "НГ" 60 years study all materials of a climate of Moscow and Russia. It(he) perfectly knew, that in недрах of the Earth water suffices and believed, that will give temperature in Moscow 25 - 30 degrees the year round with perfect solar days. So it(he) began to do(make) in 2010. Has appeared, that water in недрах of the Earth in general is not present also Earth is fed only at the expense of rains, regularly receiving them from oceans through clouds. Where your internal messages of oceans with your level of oceans of water in колодцах, sirs of the geocolumn - пустозвоны? There is no ocean underground water, трепачи! Means, "К", "Н" and "НГ" will be гнать a moisture of oceans on Moscow, Europe and Russia with Северо - West! With средины of August, "К", "Н" and "НГ" will be switched, and till June, 2013 will be гнать on Moscow, Europe and Russia is warm Equators of the Earth, if some correction for warm and damp weather, though - in Moscow and Russia, the year round, without heat and frosts again is not required. "НГ" has given a number(line) of the publications on creation of an independent, portable source of infinite energy of a point. It is time to undertake intensively weather. Экстремум of heat пройден by the Earth of June 22. The possible(probable) sudden impacts of heat of July and August with fires and катаклизмами to Moscow and Russia are not necessary. Only let sirs, with high profits and salaries, lips do not unroll. "Н" them will destroy ruthlessly @ concentric and other энергиями. Equality - свято. These sirs drops of advantage(benefit) do not give, so them not a place on a planet! Main measured the awards - opening! There are no them is receive equally! The parasites it is visible without devices and shadowing. They need to be destroyed! Let in USA they will reflect, what such masters on a planet! What their gods pass(miss) heat and frosts in cities and staffs(states) of richest and greatest America? Means are insolvent? We work, gods! Is not present to heat and frosts for Moscow and Russia the year round! 28.06.2012г. 8:50:12. "Н", "К" and " НГ have included a moisture and cool on Moscow and Russia with Северо - West. Even in Хайфе send rains, and it in the most hot season! Such decision is much better. A moisture and cool Atlantic, and Северно - Ледовитого of oceans will allow vegetation and fauna of Europe and Asia to get stronger and to resist to infernal colds of space. Everyone know, that in the autumn, during often rains, vegetative and the fauna develops most actively. The mushrooms, berries, fruits of trees and bushes, vegetable cultures, fish and animal, and also other forms of life triumph during a damp climate. The summer residents in a rate, that than are more having watered, the more crops. The strong, mighty and plentiful vegetation protects ground natural парниками and conditioners. "К", "Н" and "НГ" can not physically submit continuously moisture and cool on Moscow and Russia. Means, of solar flows will be enough during breaks of actions "Н", "К" and "НГ". Let does not frighten, that in some separate small points of Far North of Russia will be слабенькие frosts summer. When since August "Н", "К" and "НГ" will begin to submit on Moscow and Russia warmly equators of the Earth, in those points temperature, the minimum will be kept, if not will be raised. Main, that the basic territory of Russia will be warm and damp the year round. The experience of work, "Н", "НГ" and "К", allows confidently to predict such results. We notice and we work. " Years(summer) day - the year feeds! " We shall make in the years(summer) afternoon - the year round! 29.06.2012г. 14:17:13. Four years "Н", "НГ" and "К" demonstrate to a planet and all space of an opportunity of adjustment of weather and climate, publishing the results. The scientific planets obstinately continue to be silent, seeing the incontestable facts. They have swallowed languages? The man has found huge клад with infinite riches. Whom it(he) can declare it for the fixed compensation? Similar, that it(him) simply will rob completely! The sites are blocked maximum. The information is plundered and is used secretly. Electronics sold in the markets, only secret, without the circuits and almost all without the instructions in Russian. The theft of works эфалд is too obviously expressed, in which the absolute amplifiers and other circuits are demonstrated. Without these amplifiers to not receive any competitive electronic device. ворюги! And what scales? About what democracy goes треп? What validity on a planet and for whom? In Russia already for a long time sell water to the citizens, tearing off with them of thousand roubles monthly, and now also the counters of water in each apartment try to insert. How many you, the sirs ворюги, pay "Н", "НГ" and "К" for regular submission of water in Russia with, Atlantic and Северно - Ледовитого, oceans? And than pay for heat in other periods? Sit in soft armchairs and хапаете hundred thousand roubles monthly for тыканье of fingers in buttons of votings, calling itself national избранниками?! Badly it! Ай, it is bad! 30.06.2012г. 4:47:37. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus twelve and a half of degrees. Perfectly! Means, work "Н", "К" and "НГ" go correctly. Waters of Atlantic and Arctic Region act in Russia, проникая is deep on the South of Russia. In Kazan and Самаре there are rains. Оренбуржье a beginning to be cooled and синоптики predict there too speed rains. Tashkent and Alma-Ata too in a zone of rains. The continuous front of rains, continuously acts in Russia from Atlantic and Arctic Region. Perfectly! The crop will be! Soon the year round Russia will receive heat and moisture! China and Japan too not сачкуют. In Tokyo and Pekin temperature about plus of twenty five degrees in the afternoon. But in Delhi and Bagdad of business are extremely bad. There, day, temperature reaches(achieves) plus of forty two degrees. Extremely badly work there жрецы and psychics. "НГ" by him(it) demonstrated the last year, in this it is high time, as it is necessary to submit there moisture of the Indian ocean. They do not penetrate into essence! The rivers whence undertake? Than only it do not explain, but overlook(forget), that only кругооборот of water works. The moisture of oceans acts on land as rains, which come back in oceans as the rivers. Recollect 2010! "НГ", relying on праведность географов, began to give only warmly in Russia. Than it was terminated? The governors of Russia have rushed to prepare for mass destruction of the people. Began to drag to itself in Moscow huge pipes from Arctic Region. Same mister Сталин was engaged also, dig(rummage) channels from Arctic Region in Moscow for a type арыков of Central Asia. The gods of USA have penetrated into essence and too have begun to submit to staffs(states) a moisture of oceans. Already real shift! National избранники should show a real example of the concrete submission of a moisture of oceans by the handles. Арыки, channels and the pipes will not rescue from heat and frosts. The engineering all will rise in heat and frosts. Except for hands, nothing will help. " And is gratuitous! " Will suffice хапать national money and blood! Work the sirs, or die. So all spoke to children Оренбуржья per the fiftieth years. This орлы at once are begun орать, that by(with) they children in space. So die, if not work, as children Оренбуржья and other areas of Russia, from which you drink blood ruthlessly and which kill by round-the-clock work on itself, many summers(years). The engineering is secondary. Weather and climate are primary and are done(made) only by palms of hands. The engineering only allows more actively пожирать results of work of palms of hands with weather! Clearly by all? Or even more in detail to chew тунеядство one and slavish work others. That to be carried as Гапона on the areas! By palms plough, умник. What to write out rules пожираний and sharing of results of work of another's palms? By the palms plough! Forward and not мудрите. You, most? Prove by the palms! Constantly and gratuitously! 30.06.2012г. 7:32:18. Immediately заскулили, завизжали, заверещали the bastards, that by him(it) лакомств will not be, that in Leningrad of anomaly of a cold. What you юродствуете? The Leningrad area the last year burned! On June 12 it, 2012 in Russia there were 129 largest centers of fires. Гибли the people and nature. You have more death and it would be desirable horrors? On itself test. подыхайте, burn and choke from гари. Still мразь, so мразь! Leningrad is almost Far North and there always it should be cold. It оплот of North of Russia created on костях of Russian people, Петром by First. If there жарко in the summer, then, all Russia already burns and полыхает. Stop to cause anomalies in Russia. Only northern and northwest winds, with a moisture and rains, bear(carry) life of all Russia. Other variant is not given, and more will not be differently world(global) with the wolves, " … as снявши a skin from them долой ". Крылов is perfect! Заврались of the geocolumn about presence of underground communication(connection) of waters of a land and ocean. Have checked up it them вранье " Н "," НГ "and" К " in 2010 and in 2011. They, hoping on underground communication(connection) of waters of a land and oceans, have given those years only warmly equators of the Earth in Russia. Moscow and Russia were not watered. There was nothing them to water. There is no water under ground in Russia, other, than from rains. The textbooks copy, умники! Зря channels dug Сталин by hands of the Russian people, killing their weights? It(he), with three classes церковно-приходской of school, was is cleverer "Great" географов. Russia the fires hardly was not destroyed. Will suffice empty трепа. Real weather is done(made) now. The south of Russia and Great Siberia, only - only begin to receive a moisture of Arctic Region and Atlantic. And it, thanking чутью "НГ", "К" and "Н". They чутьем have caught the latent information on fires of Russia two weeks back, and immediately have begun to give Russia a moisture and cool of Arctic Region and Atlantic, having checked up чутье in the Internet by viewing of the information about fires and temperatures of cities of Russia. Only in two weeks began to receive a moisture of Atlantic and Arctic Region, southern areas of Russia. Break off, мерзкие of subquality work of a nature. You already натрепались about huge потеплениях, about glaciers and other bosh, and only drink another's blood through economy and jurisprudence, rule and voting, with the help of armies and police, courts and other нечисти. Work the palms and hold the year round warmly and moisture in Russia, or подохнете under impacts of palms and biofields present - the gods and people. On North Pole плюсовая temperature, and it(he) on many thousand kilometers to the north of Leningrad. Will suffice empty трепа! Will not freeze, neither your Leningrad, nor your Europe, but only only become стройнее, more beautifully, is stronger also richman, from a moisture and cool in the summer, and from heat and moisture in the winter! Temperature is higher plus of three degrees in North of Russia is already life and riches, if so it is necessary, that was not in Russia of fires summer and frosts in the winter. Reaches, at last, your chicken brains with filled терабайтами of the another's formulas, equations, theories, fairy tales and other stuff? 6:33 01.07.2012г. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus thirteen and a half of degrees. "Н", "К" and "НГ" work and give a moisture with a cool to Moscow and Russia, automatically cooling hot USA, Canada, Cuba, Europe, Asia and part of Africa! 01.07.2012г. 8:18. It is really not clear, that the geocolumns are simply illiterate. They only can ground dig, compose небылицы, начитываться of the ridiculous compositions primitive полуобезьян and be admired дрянью about underground communications(connections) of waters of oceans, having found out their rare phenomena in separate, is insignificant the small sizes? They are absolutely far from physics, mathematics, chemistry, and especially from electronics, power, not speaking about new sciences. They love is, to sleep, блаженствовать, to be treated and to enjoy, to dominate and to subordinate. To them listen, read and study their compositions, and it is necessary to liquidate result - апокалипсис, which by boundless work "Н", "К" and "НГ". Now and " козе it is clear ", that will be озон on a planet, due to new directions of works "Н", "К" and "НГ", which rotate wide front of a moisture and cool, strip, from southern areas of Greenland, up to North Pole - in a direction from northwest of Russia on its(her) southeast. As a result of it there is a movement of wide front of a moisture and cool of this direction around of all planet. Naturally, Canada, USA, Europe, Asia, part of Africa, Japan, Southern America and other Parts Light, receive a moisture and cool in infernal апокалипсическое time. Vegetation, animal and other world of a planet оживают, giving oxygen, озон, every possible riches and miracles to all planet. Radiation is washed off by water. It is everyone know, studying in schools and HIGH SCHOOLS materials on protection against the weapon of a mass defeat. The planet is cleared and triumphs! Now waters will be enough, and sun suffices! The crops become again Plentiful. The era коммунизма comes inevitably and without any authors формаций! Формации occur as a result of work and present opening. We work, gods! 1,5 months and again will be be necessary to increased by(with) heat by Moscow and Russia, alternating(interleaving) it(him) with submission of a moisture. So it is necessary to work the year round, improving systems of regulation of a climate, weather and other processes on a planet, and in space (макро, микро, нано, пико etc.). 02.07.2012г. 5:21 In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of twenty degrees. Wind northeast. Дождевые of a cloud of northern directions arrive in Moscow. It is not necessary especially to experience! Yesterday and the day before yesterday "Н", "НГ" and "К" were engaged in oral works with consciousness of a society(community). July with mass harvest(cleaning) in Russia grain - grain cultures - пшеницы and ржи began. Till September it is necessary to work especially. The alternations of hot and rainy strips of days are necessary. The heat is necessary for fast drying of stalks and ears grain, that the combines them could обмолачивать. The rains are necessary, that the planet should do not perish from a drought. It means, that it is necessary to the psychics to work with a climate and weather many hours round day, except for dream and reception of food, till September. Then, by the previous years, in the beginning of October again will strike a glacier, with which till June of the next year will be necessary to struggle. The share of the gods - psychics - электронщиков is those which understand of energy of electromagnetic spectra of space and planet. Others study and are engaged in traditional systems for a primitive survival, consumption of kinds энергий, created by these gods. We work, gods! We train other population! So learned(taught) the students on радиофаках, speaking them, that you will construct коммунизм - complete abundance of kinds, useful to the man, of energy in space and on a planet. Короста - the superstructures, are created by the parasites of a society(community) on works of the gods, automatically, feeling tasty лакомства. With them we work in parallel and also powerfully, forcing them to study electronics, to work with electronics and weather or to be cleaned(removed) from a planet. 03.07.2012г. 6:00 In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of twenty one degrees. Wind northwest. Дождевые of a cloud of northwest directions, strips go through Moscow on a southeast for ring movement of a moisture and cool of wide front around of all planet. We work all! It will be now very difficult! 1,5 months of almost round-the-clock work of submission of a moisture and cool, strips. It is necessary to clean(remove) grain and to not allow be to a drought with fires! It is a task for all people and gods of a planet! Let's execute her(it) with honour and advantage, understanding mistakes географов about ostensibly океанических waters inside ground. Waters go from ocean, it is valid. But they need to be submitted through дождевые of a cloud. And they are farther by the rivers will go to oceans. The circulation, which is done(made) with forces and энергиями of the people - gods. 04.07.2012. 5:07 In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of nineteen degrees. Wind northwest. Дождевые of a cloud of northern directions, strips go through Moscow on a southwest and southeast for ring movement of a moisture and cool of wide front around of all planet. It means, that the majority of the gods and people work correctly, not allowing to kill a planet by heat, drought and their consequences. Синоптики yesterday predicted for today solar and hot day in Moscow. They leaned (based) on позавчерашний day, in which "Н", "К" and "НГ" about seven hours were engaged in oral belief of the people in productivity of such works. Working hours, with weather, was lost. The automatic systems of tracking of weather of a planet have given the appropriate results. Yesterday "Н", "К" both "НГ" densely have worked and синоптики, automatically will give other forecasts! More shortly to work it is necessary for the gods, instead of to nod on services of shadowing, researches and conclusions by results of works of the gods. Let's look tomorrow, that today will make "Н", "К" and "НГ". How many moisture and cool they will bring to a planet, Russia and Moscow. Синоптики amicably will show result of works of the gods! They can not predict the gods, which continuously change directions of the works. Синоптики work on statistics. The gods work on the purposes! We work, the gods, people - gods and it is simple the people! All will be helped by other inhabitants, essences, objects and subjects of a planet. 05.07.2012г. 7:00 In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of eighteen degrees. Wind northwest. Дождевые of a cloud of northern directions, also, strips go through Moscow on a southwest and southeast for ring movement of a moisture and cool of wide front around of all planet, for its(her) cooling. Really, year апокалипсический. It is necessary very much to work, that the climate of Moscow and Russia was normal, damp and warm with alternation of solar and rainy days. It is impossible to suppose overcoolings and перегрева, ground and atmosphere. It is necessary to work everything, let even mentally. The enemies suffice. Any negative idea or the bad emotions give rise to a cold or heat. It the malicious forces use, causing negative emotions at the people and other essences. They do not allow the people to live, to work and to have a rest normally. It is necessary in parallel with weather, to waste time on struggle with negative forces. The results prove to be true by an actual normal climate. We work! 4:56 08.07.2012г. В Москве, на Звездном б-ре, температура - плюс пятнадцать градусов.Ветер северо-западный. 7:01 10.07.2012г. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of twenty one degrees. About two hours in succession, there was a rain. The results of works "Н", "К" and "НГ" are obvious during four years with representation In the Internet. Weather both climate of a planet, and space, are adjusted by strong consciousness of the man. Means, it is necessary correctly to train the population of a planet for creation of the best conditions of life. 14.07.2012г. 6:36. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of fourteen degrees. A wind northwest. Yesterday, 13.07.12г., all day, with breaks, went a strong rain. "Н", "К" and "НГ" leave on a new level of adjustment of weather of Moscow and Russia! This year, under the forecasts of the conducting astrologists of a planet, is year of parade of planets. The planets are built in one number(line) and bear(carry) to the Earth апокалипсис by the amplified(strengthened) phenomena of gravitational influences of total meanings(importance) of sizes. Despite of improvement of technologies of the works with weather, "Н", "НГ" and "К" it is necessary to work intensively. Fires and drought in the summer, and winter strong frosts conducting to accidents and epidemics differently are inevitable. Insignificant stops of adjustments of weather, and the sun ruthlessly brings down fatal heat on Moscow and Russia! The simultaneous requirement to the certain sizes of solar heat for harvest(cleaning) grain cultures and the existence of life, complicate and without that a heavy situation of works with weather. "@" weather is not done(made). We work, instead of we are asked. All year we shall make favorable, warm and damp, with sufficient solar days. Then we shall fix success the next years. Only then it is possible in the affirmative to speak in open information channels about an opportunity of adjustment of a climate of a planet and space, with the help of consciousness and hands of the man, without any engineering. While we use pseudonyms and Internet. We work! 16.07.2012г. 5:50. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of eighteen degrees. A wind northwest. Yesterday, 15.07.2012г., in Moscow, with 17ч. 30 minutes and up to полуночи, there was a uniform, normal rain. "Н", "К" and "НГ" with honour carry out a task of submission of a moisture on Moscow and Russia from Atlantic and Arctic Region, simultaneously humidifying and cooling other parts of a planet, which the previous years suffered from fires and drought. Stocks of a moisture Moscow and Russia already has enough confidently to speak about stability of creation of abundance of products of a feed(meal) and consumer goods. Water decides(solves) all questions of life-support of mankind. Her(it) now enough also is not present a place счетоводству of water. About counters of water jokes now will go everywhere. Some more weeks of work "Н", "К" and "НГ" and the mankind will completely be convinced of reliability of their work. The planet will receive the necessary quantity(amount) of a moisture on land from oceans, by means of rains, this year. The next years this task will be decided(solved) by more effective works "Н", "К" and "НГ". Крикуны and the accountants of quantity(amount), прокармливающихся of the people on a planet, ротики will close seriously and for ever. The new technologies of heat and moisture of a planets developed and used "Н", "К" and "НГ", decide(solve) absolutely all problems of life and feed(meal) of any quantity(amount) of the people of a planet. About similar opportunities of the people, when - that spoke Ленин, denying the theories illiterate Мальтуса. Such technologies are absolute коммунизмом, created practically one man. About what стоимостях and money it is possible to conduct empty conversations in such conditions? What to consider(count), to estimate and to pay in infinite quantities(amounts) of water and energy submitted by hands and consciousness "Н", "К" and "НГ"? Means, all other mankind is simply obliged, also free-of-charge to work, on an example of these persons. We work! 18.07.2012г. 4:00. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of fourteen degrees. A wind northern, northwest.As was yesterday. "Н", "К" and "НГ" continue to hold in Moscow and Russia normal weather for a sufficient crop and creation of abundance, contrary to astrological апокалипсису of parade of planets. It is not enough of experience while, but effect already sufficient. They submit a cool and moisture from northwest directions of Europe and Russia. It should result in change of duration of day, since energy "Н", "К" and "НГ" cause, accelerated rotation of a planet from West on East around of its(her) axis, and also change of a rule(situation) of poles. The astronomers should it fix. The correction of calendars of day, months and years should be made. The thirty second and other days of months now are a reality, instead of fantasy Мюнхгаузена. If the clever scientists will keep silent now about this fact, the mankind itself can calculate results of influence энергий "Н", "НГ" and "К" on speed of rotation of the Earth. Approximately from the end of August, "Н", "НГ" and "К" will stop the amplified(strengthened) cooling and humidifying of Moscow, and Russia by waters of Atlantic and Arctic Region, and will begin to submit on Moscow and Russia warmly equators of the Earth. Then the rotation of the Earth from West on East is more accelerated will be stopped and other change of its(her) poles and its(her) rotation will begin. The guys watch(keep up)! "Н", "НГ" and "К" are not inclined to such jokes! It to you of the proof of forces and энергий "Н", "НГ" and "К"! 20.07.2012 5:00. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of thirteen degrees. Continuous облачность дождевых of clouds. The wind goes in a direction on east and southern parts of Russia. So, the level of ocean has appeared the next invention of the "great" minds(wits) hardly which have not resulted(brought) in destruction life on a planet, since "Н", "НГ" and "К" submitted only warmly, relying on presence of water inside each point of the Earth. This invented level of water in each point of the Earth does not exist. The level of water at oceans, actually, is much lower than a level of water in reservoirs, rivers, lakes, ponds and other capacities of water driven, or покоящихся and taking place on a surface of a land of a planet. Water flows down with вышерасположенных of points of a planet on levels, according to actions gravitational энергий, in the appropriate tanks called by oceans and the seas. From oceans and seas, water it is necessary is artificial to submit on land of a planet, additional энергиями, that she(it) again flew down in oceans and seas. Studying all sciences, including geography and information of a planet, "Н" and "НГ" saw, that in geography, sciences and information the presence of a uniform level of water of oceans in all points of a planet the Earth is taught. Last years all "great" minds(wits) of a planet have lifted mad shout about an energy crisis of all planet. "Н", "НГ" and "К" immediately have begun to rescue of the Earth and its(her) inhabitants, submitting is warmly equators in cold parts dry. All water of a planet began to leave in oceans, and the accidents, and horrors of fires on all Earth have begun. The ruling structures of the states have begun to carry out(spend) from oceans of a pipe in the vital points for artificial submission of water. USA have begun to create ideologies more three billions superfluous people of Asia. "Н" And "НГ" have understood ложь of sciences and "great" географов about a level of oceans and have begun from June 22 it, 2012, intensively to submit a moisture on a planet from Atlantic and Arctic Region from coast of Greenland and Arctic Region in a direction of northwest of Europe and Russia on their southeast. The planet immediately began to be cooled and to be humidified. In Europe, since this time, go continuously wait, reaching(achieving) distant boundaries of southern points of Great Russia, Asia, southeast Asia and Africa. Now planet is rescued in a general view. Certainly, "Н", "НГ" and "К" only - only begin to get new experience of adjustment of a climate of a planet. The old, false sciences and false information, alongside with a brake of negative layers of hostile layers of "scientist" of the world, extremely complicate work "Н", "НГ" and "К". In spite of on anything, "Н", "НГ" and "К" work, humidify and cool a planet in a hot season. We notice and we help them and planet! Only artificial submission of water on land from oceans rescues life on a planet. We work all! 24.07.2012г. 6:46 In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of sixteen degrees. Moscow has received this month eight days with rains, trying to leave on daily having watered, fixed in the summer by a nature for normal life of the man, флоры and фауны. His(its) grandmother per far fiftieth years, itself making daily having watered plants and showing practical experience learned(taught) "НГ" this strong results of crops плодовых, vegetable and other useful cultures. She(it) demonstrated a miracle of air of a kitchen garden with his(its) plentiful By oxygen. Организм could not надышаться. From a kitchen garden it would not be desirable to leave in stuffy, hot, dusty and гадкое village with his(its) fatally beautiful houses, fences, roads and inhabitants. In a kitchen garden worked кругооборот of water with the microcategories of invisible electrical pressure(voltage) of capacities паров of water. Water was decomposed to components with oxygen and озоном. This experience now "НГ" transfers on all planet. "Н", "НГ" and "К" since June 22, 2012 submit a moisture both cool from northern and northwest directions of Atlantic and Arctic Region on Europe and Asia, automatically covering all planet on ring movement. As soon as "Н", "НГ" and "К" stop, Sun, and space immediately begin to kill a planet by heat and radiation in this years(summer) time. Are крикуны and villains interfering to work "Н", "К" and "НГ". They knock, shout, that freeze, that Moscow fills in, etc. etc. These monsters, and differently them to not name, the drops do not know the laws of gravitation, hydraulics, теплотехники and other sciences, and лезут " in all дырки ". Think, недоумки, that water leaves from a land in oceans and she(it) needs to be submitted on land only by forces and энергиями of human hands and consciousness. Any other essence it can not do(make). Water at oceans, without кругооборота in an atmosphere, rots, чернеет and forms huge capacities раковых of crates killing all alive and growing. She(it) needs to be moved through an atmosphere, land and rivers for continuous очищения and development. Drops, jet, their weights, at the movement in an atmosphere by the huge sizes of clouds, form any varied capacities of condensers. As a result of it there are electrical categories макро and micro-sizes attracting manufacture of oxygen and озона of huge scales for life of the man, флоры and фауны. The plants too give oxygen, but infinitesimal of sizes in comparison with huge weights of clouds by a drop and паров of water. Water, moving with a land in oceans, gives energy to the man, rivers, флоре and фауне by various variants. She(it) also supersedes petroleum and other useful substances from depths of the Earth on its(her) surface, and makes indefinitely many other kinds of works. Stop works "Н", "НГ" and "К", bastards. You immediately will result a planet in accidents and consecutive destruction. You would like it? You мерзнете at day time temperature plus 20 - 24 degrees on Цельсию? To you morning temperatures 13 - 17 degrees, are too small? To you hour, daily, evening having watered Moscow is her(it) заливание? You on fields, kitchen gardens, in a taiga were? You have got used at мамочки under юбочкой to live and at папочки under крылышком! Maximum point dry is in Улан-Баторе. It mass epidemics and have shown to death of the people in the spring it, 2012. In Улан-Баторе then temperature on twenty degrees was lower, than on North Pole, on which was about a minus to ten - twenty degrees. Лютый the cold Улан-Батора fell by a jet, length more than ten thousand kilometers on the South of Russia, Оренбуржью, Central Asia, Kazakhstan. For the first time, for all history of the Earth, the Black sea has frozen. Sochi and Odessa have freezed at temperatures below minus of ten degrees. It happened as a result of noise, thunder, knocks and shouts of the largest groups of the stupid bastards with мантиями of the great scientists and governors, with grades, posts, ranks, rights and other бумажками.. At "НГ" were completely blocked reason and hands, крутежами бытовиков, pension funds of scientific establishments, mass media and other imperous structures. It(he) has risen and was ill. "НГ" up to средины of January, 2012 held temperature about zero of degrees in Moscow. The bastards орали, rattled, knocked and зверствовали. They deduced(removed) the theories global потеплений by gases and other глупенькими by inventions. March 2 "НГ" have given the first pension. It(he) has joined in submission of heat, being in a hardest illness. Gradually, the planet began to recover. But year of parade of planets! The new difficulties and tasks go continuously by flows. And here again rotten крикуны I begin орать, that weather itself is done(made), that them fills in also by him(it) coldly! Only daily, years(summer) having watered all land of a planet will allow it(her) normally to live and to exist. She(it) will be reserved флорой and фауной, energy of other kinds and forms, and will manage to remain the year round бесснежной, giving crops for life of the man, флоры and other kinds. Certainly, that with средины of August and till May, 2012 it is necessary "Н", "НГ" and "К" to submit equatorial and other heat on Moscow, Russia and planet. But by him(it) it will do(make) much more easy, if they will give enough moisture in the summer on huge open spaces of Great Russia and other parts of a planet. Now there is a precise prospect of reception of the first experience бесснежной of Moscow 2012 - 2013. It will be possible it to make "Н", "НГ" and "К" till May, 2013, means, in one year the planet will leave on an absolutely new mode of life in space. Do not prevent, bastards! Stop звереть, to knock, to rattle костями and languages. Work! We work, gods! Гоним a moisture up to Улан-Батора, from Atlantic and Arctic Region, through Europe and Russia! The prevention(warning) "Н" and "НГ"! 11.08.2012г. 3:59 Крикуны, other figures and the various conditions have compelled "НГ" to stop and to not submit a moisture with a cool on Russia through Europe from Atlantic and Arctic Region with July 23 and till August 4 it, 2012. The ruthless sun сожгло also has destroyed much флоры and фауны. August 4 it, 2012, "НГ", "Н" and "К" again have renewed submission of this moisture and cool. 8 and August 9 they have stopped for check of the action. The sun again has struck ruthlessly. August 10 "Н", "НГ" and "К" have continued submission specified of a moisture and cool. Proceeding from the submitted results of researches and conclusions, "Н" and "НГ" warn the inhabitants of a planet, that since today will submit a moisture and cool on Moscow and Russia the year round, using various ways. Prepare, "sirs", for regular, almost daily deposits, with plentiful crops, the year round and on all planet! To the fans(amateurs), "meetings" and "гуляний", more place on a planet will not be! 24.08.2012г. 6:01. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of twelve degrees. This month "Н", "НГ" and "К" have submitted to Moscow thirteen days with rains. It already is more, than in September or October of the last year. "Н", "НГ" and "К" plan all autumn, winter and spring of this year to submit waters of Atlantic on Russia, and along all northern coast of Russia, which is stretched on tens thousand kilometers. It will allow practically to kindle ice of Arctic Region and seas Northern Ледовитого of ocean washing all North of Russia. The Arctic Region this winter can be with temperature of zero of degrees, if not is higher! Greenland and Northern America can become warm autumn, winter and spring this year. It will allow to compensate losses of crops of a planet of a summer(years) it, 2012 and even to collect vast crops the year round. Is not present, and will not be global потеплений, похолоданий of a planet and раскачиваний of its(her) axis, about what lift shout in the Internet! Will be extreme heavy and hard work "Н", "НГ" and "К", saving a planet from destruction! Observe the accelerated movement of waters of Atlantic along coasts of England, Greenland, Scandinavia and all North of Russia! Simultaneously, observe, often enough, rains in Europe and Russia! The inclinations of an axis of a planet and change of its(her) speeds of movements automatically vary, according to works "Н", "НГ" and "К"! North of Russia, for the first time, can become this autumn, winter and spring, warm, поливным and fruitful! All Russia can this year, all autumn, winter and spring to become years(summer), warm and поливной! Be prepared for crops in Europe and Russia in the autumn, winter and spring! But remember: " Береженого, the God protects "! Europe and Russia can leave on a new level of natural riches, but only under condition of continuous work "Н", "НГ" and "К"! Other parts of a planet, thus, automatically will receive the shares of natural riches. The most important task "Н", "НГ" and "К" in it, most complex(difficult) астрологически to year - to keep life on a planet. The plans of improvements of a climate of a planet this year is a maximum of their aspirations. 24.08.2012г. 6:46. 25.08.2012г. 12:02. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature of air - plus of eighteen degrees. At submission of waters of Atlantic, along coasts of Europe, Scandinavia and all North of Russia, there is a natural question: " by What way these waters can come back back, under condition of balance? " You see Берингов a strait very narrow, in comparison with space between Greenland and Scandinavia, through which these waters along the specified coasts move. It(he) will not allow all waters to come back back, around of Eurasia. This question has forced "Н" and "НГ" to refuse such technology of protection of Russia from fatal colds and infernal, all of burning heat of the Sun of the past and позапрошлого of years. The same question has set "НГ" one of these days one of сильнейших of the experts of a planet. The decision has appeared ingeniously simple. It is necessary to submit only top layers of waters of Atlantic. They will be cooled by Arctic Region, and to come back back by bottom layers of the seas and oceans. It is simultaneously necessary to submit on land of Europe and Russia, cloud and cloud of water for полива of a land, rains. Then there is a number(line) new, processes in a nature, and technical decisions. Флора and фауна will is global to move the year round by new ways. Simultaneously there are many ways and technical decisions for movings ocean, sea and passing means. The driven bottom and top layers of waters, can move the appropriate means without application of expenses on moving with the certain speeds. There will be new ways, device, design and technology of creation of means of moving. In total some days of trial hours of works "Н", "НГ" and "К" in a new direction management of weather both climate, and the effect is obvious! Normal temperature in Europe, Russia, in Arctic Region and other parts of a planet is stabilized! Recently arising frosts of North of Russia, already have disappeared. "Н", "НГ" and "К" submitted northern colds on Russia for its(her) rescue from mad heat of solar beams. The southern parts of Europe and Russia were in fires, not having time to receive a moisture both cool of Atlantic and Arctic Region, and the frosts already beat on all directions on Russia. The new decision allows by the best way to protect Europe and Russia from fatal beams of the Sun and frosts of space. The effect proves to be true by real process of change of a climate in the best party, by reaction of the population of Moscow. Грибники and the summer residents of Moscow, in these target(day off) amicably have rushed to a nature! One of these days it to do(make) was still riskyly. That infernal heat of the sun, temperature is not higher plus of five degrees in the morning, even at the centre of Moscow, Kept muscovites in warm apartments. The plans "Н" and "НГ" of deduction of damp and warm weather in Europe and Russia, autumn both winter, and next spring, become more real! We notice and we remember the facts! 25.08.2012г. 12:53. 03.09.2012г. 11:52 In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature of air - plus of sixteen degrees. "Н", "НГ" and "К" submit water of equatorial parts of Atlantic: - Along coasts of north of Africa of Europe, Scandinavia and all North of Russia; - Along coasts of Northern America and Greenland; - Clouds and clouds of the specified directions, and also through air space through north of Africa, on Europe, Russia and on a part of Asia. As a result of such work, there is a round-the-world movement of heat and moisture of equatorial parts of Atlantic in various directions of a planet. It demonstrate various информеры of weather on the cards and sites the Internet. Now there is a hope for warmer and damp weather in Europe, Russia, Asia, Greenland and in Northern America. In Vladivostok now temperature as in Rio de Janeiro. Остапу Бендеру now it is easier to carry out the plans! The breaks of colds are always possible(always probable). The experience of four years of work "Н", "НГ" and "К", with demonstration in the Internet of the opportunities, allows them to improve regulation of weather on a planet. The new laws of management of weather of a planet open. The facts of positive results of this management, prove necessity of continuation of such works "Н", "НГ" and "К". Unfortunately, the every possible reasons slow down these works "Н", "НГ" and "К". But it is natural processes of life. The sufficient proofs of stable effects of management of weather of a planet with the help of consciousness and palms of the man are necessary. We notice work "Н", "НГ" and "К", which have stopped all other works, before reception of such sufficient proofs on an extent of the even following periods of autumn, winter and spring! 06.09.2012г. 15:00 In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature of air - plus of twenty two degrees. Дождевые of a cloud go from a southwest. "Н", "НГ" and "К" continue to work in this direction - to deliver water, is warm also moisture from southwest equatorial parts of Atlantic (from a mouth of Amazon, up to Africa) on a southeast of a planet. Northern Africa, Northern America, Greenland, Arctic Region, Europe, Russia and Asia receive an opportunity of prospect of warmer and damp weather of the following periods: autumns, winter (2012) and spring (2013). There is a change of an inclination of an axis of rotation and delay of duration of round-the-clock rotation of the Earth. Europe leaves to equator, and east parts of Asia leave on North. Temperature on a planet gets more stable character. The Arctic Region, as a result of stable and higher temperature in the cold period of rules(situations) of northern hemisphere of a planet, begins unable to cool strongly northern hemisphere. Отсос of warm waters of Atlantic, on a southeast of a planet, conducts to the best stabilization of temperature of a southern hemisphere in his(its) hot period. It is positive effects of work "Н", "НГ" and "К". The increase of duration of day, because of delay of duration of round-the-clock rotation of the Earth, results in necessity of updating of times длительностей of hours, day, months and years! The inhabitants of a planet should carry out(spend) a lot of works for updating every possible elements of ability to live in view of works "Н", "НГ" and "К"! 19.09.2012г. 8:06. "Н", "НГ" and "К" submit water, is warm also moisture of Atlantic from equatorial parts of a planet (taking place between Southern America and Africa) in a direction on north and northeast. It is proved by gradients both vectors of a moisture and heat going on these directions. When the moisture moved by forces "Н", "НГ" and "К" all period, since June 22 and till August 22, 2012, from northwest, the vectors both gradients of heat and moisture were appropriate. In the autumn, winter and spring of 2011 "Н", "НГ" and "К" submitted heat and moisture of equator (from a mouth of Amazon up to islands Феникс) on northern parts of a planet, the vectors and gradients went therefrom. "Н", "НГ" and "К" plan to hold a new direction all autumn, winter and spring, vectors both gradients of heat and moisture Will have a direction on north and northeast of a planet from equatorial parts of a planet (taking place between Southern America and Africa). It is the absolute proofs of work "Н", "НГ" and "К"! Let's kindle ice of Arctic Region! 20.09.2012г. 21:17 In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature of air - plus of nineteen degrees. Today, at 11 hours, "НГ" has received the message, that one of the scientist on TV declared threat of global increase of water at oceans, in case of thawing all ice of Arctic Region. Let's consider briefly this false threat. The ice of Arctic Region settle down at deep ocean and at thawing can not increase quantity(amount) of water in it(him). Under them дно of ocean is so deeply, that подлодки go подо by ice of all Arctic Region, in any directions, freely, even in the winter, and the ships go to North Pole in the summer on water, instead of overland! It is known by(with) any inhabitant of a planet from school and information sources. All existing islands, ground and land for a long time are open in Arctic Region. The ice can at thawing add waters in ocean only from a land, which in Arctic Region does not exist other, except for open islands and grounds! So, all ice of Arctic Region floats at ocean and does not lay on land! Put ice in capacity with water ( Certainly, that the ice floated in this water). Measure a level of water. Kindle ice and be convinced, that the level will not change. About what threats "лопочут" "scientists"? On the contrary, the mankind will receive huge advantage(benefit) at thawing all ice of Arctic Region. The special benefit will be received By(with) Russia, which has while almost the year round ice Arctic Region, протягивающуюся along coast of Russia on many thousand kilometers. Similar, it also disturbs western colleagues, which have got used, only to themselves, always to have benefit from the warm coastal seas. Western "experts" also lift shout about, ostensibly, various threats at warm Russia the year round. Warm Russia is possible(probable) only at warm Arctic Region! Then Russia will have a lot of moisture, heat and accordingly of riches. Look parts of film " Заговор маршала " and western special services especially пекутся about greatness only of countries are convinced, that. Why the Russian experts without the due answer pass(miss) the false applications, ostensibly about threats of global increase of a level of water at oceans at thawing all ice of Arctic Region? Decades is audible at schools, High schools and in life: " you know, what the mankind will be lost, if the ice of Arctic Region even will thaw slightly? ". Marked "scientist", has told, that in Arctic Region was of 80 millions square kilometers of ice, and remained them about sixty millions square kilometers. Other ice of Arctic Region suddenly have thawn for last years under influence of works "Н", "НГ" and "К". The mankind while continues to see drying up of the seas, rivers and other reservoirs. Great: Каспий and Арал almost have dried up. The black sea is cunning far from the former coast. Where water from thawing ice of Arctic Region has got to? Yes she(it) also did not increase from their thawing! "Accountants", фарцовщики, speculators, торгаши and other negatives, comprehensively attack mankind by counters, prices and other буржуазными штучками. The ice of Arctic Region bear(carry) only death to mankind, флоре and фауне on all planet. They raise of global negative energy of interaction with an equatorial heat, give rise terrible штормы, hurricanes, tornados, tsunami, торнадо and other phenomena. "Н", "НГ" and "К" have begun submission of heat both moisture on North and northeast of a planet on the part of equatorial waters of Atlantic which is taking place approximately between a mouth of Amazon and western, equatorial coast of Africa. North of Africa becomes поливным and fertile. Central America, Northern America, Canada, Greenland, Europe, Russia and most part of Asia receive a moisture and warmly. Waters of oceans began to move better on all directions, being cleared, being enriched and bearing(carrying) advantage(benefit) to mankind. It only beginning. "Н", "НГ" and "К" work, are trained and are improved in new business of global improvement of life of a planet. We work! 23.09.2012г 11:31 The "marked" scientist ", has told, that in Arctic Region was ostensibly of 80 millions square kilometers of ice, and remained them about sixty millions square kilometers ". Having taken линеечку, and having checked up approximately - what area Northern Ледовитого of Ocean, we shall be convinced, that she(it) all of area of twenty millions square kilometers (plus - minus …). There are in the Internet snapshots of the stayed ice of Antarctic Continent, with the instruction(indication) of his(its) provisional area: about four millions square kilometers. The area USSR is equal twenty two and four tenth million square kilometer, i.e. almost areas of the stayed ice Northern Ледовитого of Ocean six times there are more. The ocean has depths up to eleven kilometers, and the layers of useful, fertile ground USSR have thickness, измеряемые in centimeters. In the Internet shout, that Арал to not rescue! Pure(clean) ложь! It is necessary to work! Give a moisture on Russia, Арал the part by all means will take her(it). Kindle ice of Arctic Region and let's to it(him) to occur the year round, the rains will suffice from your work, that напоить not only Арал, but also there are a lot of continents with deserts! You can not ice of Arctic Region kindle, not resulting in rotation of water of all oceans and not improving a planet! Warmly is a movement. That the ice of Arctic Region to kindle, is necessary so much to work, that the businessmen and does not dream! It is necessary the year round to submit ежесуточно on land, a moisture, necessary and sufficient heat is warm, and on Arctic Region only. This process mentions all space with his(its) measurements during long time to receive only positive effect. To blow up or сожрать - it is quickly simple! To make - it is long and difficultly! 26.09.2012г. 7:00 In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature of air - plus of ten degrees. Дождевые of a cloud go from western directions, through Moscow on all Russia. Last four day went rains. This month there was twelve day with rains, and the last year, in September, there was only nine day with rains. "Н", "НГ" and "К" submit concentration of heat, heat of an absolute source of infinite energy of a point and heat of space on northeast of a planet, on the part of equatorial parts of a planet which is taking place between America and Africa. Heat is a result of movement of points, rather of more motionless points. Is warmly it is possible to consider(examine) as the form of gravitation. "Н" And "НГ" theoretically and practically have created on a planet a real, independent, portable source of infinite energy of a point on electronic components, on the basis of the absolute laws of a nature. They use the genetic and got functions, devices, engineering and "phantoms" of this source of energy, "phantoms" of a planet and space of all measurements, demonstrating positive results to a planet and space by the works. Апокалипсис recedes. The humidifying and утепление of a planet does not allow to rage on a planet лютым to frosts and heat provided per these years, astrology and ясновидящими by the experts who were not taking into account occurrence "Н", "НГ" and "К". Now, used "Н", "НГ" and "К" "phantoms", indefinitely surpass all engineering of western experts trying to prevent to improvement of life of the people on a planet, creating a technical control system of weather and ridiculous theories, ostensibly of inevitability of crises, accidents and other negatives. Everyone know an injurious nature of west, which тысячелетиями creates threats, war, катаклизмы and other troubles to all of mankind for the sake of an own, boundless profit with eulogy буржуазного of a way of existence. The American, German and other scientists, only and твердят about heat, drought, frosts, floods and other disasters, which, are ostensibly inevitable without истребительных of wars. The literature, films and the other sources of the information, are overflowed by the facts тысячелетней, ruthless operation working (present working мыслителей, engineers and scientists). Буржуазия only considers(counts), draws rules and картинки, is engaged единоборствами, sex, consumption лакомств and all values of the present people. Буржуазия has transformed its(her) large part into deserts and burial places of terrible means of mass destruction of the people. Now she(it) searches for new planets for the subsequent destructions. "Н" And "НГ" have studied materials of information sources of a planet and have begun liquidation буржуазии with its(her) results. Any revolutions, except for scientific and technical revolutions, planet do not rescue. Change of the people in armchairs, for a long time осмеяна famous баснями Крылова, fairy tales and other products great мыслителей. Are омерзительные the persons shouting about democratic revolutions while for a long time the abundance - material base коммунизма is created. These демократы are the agents буржуазии, aspiring столкнуть of the country, society(community) and person in destructive processes allowing to dominate подонкам of a society(community) (буржуазии). Agency of west and obvious буржуазией are other persons, напяливающие on themselves of clothes коммунистов, not creating of devices drawing sweet картинки, being grouped in a party(set), and as a matter of fact sitting on the salaries and in armchairs. We work all and we create the even greater abundance of the forms and kinds of energy on a planet, that буржуазии there was no opportunity to exist. Everyone know - feed an animal and it(he) is harmless! Anybody will not go to army, if the food suffices! Will not receive буржуазия of armies, armies, gangsters and other formations, for division and submission of the people, at continuously growing fertility of a planet! We work! 26.09.2012. 8:05. Нептун1244 23:15 12.10.2012г. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature of air - plus of six degrees, and on a street. Цандера - plus of four degrees. The rain in Moscow, this month, goes twelve day in succession, with rare breaks. In October of the last year, there were only twelve days of rains. The effect of works "Н", "НГ" and "К" amplifies. The submission by them, on Russia, энергий on the part of equatorial zones of a planet which is taking place between Southern America and Africa, proves such decision by the facts of almost continuous rains. Russia and the countries former USSR will receive, about a summer(years) of 2013, there is enough of deposits, as well as planned "Н" with "НГ", (see early messages). Means, the crops and other riches are guaranteed the next years. The seas, lake, rivers and other reservoirs, former USSR, will be filled enough for needs of the man and nature! The astrologists correctly have made, that have warned mankind about heavy space, апокалипсических processes of these years. In time have joined "Н", "НГ" and "К" in work on elimination апокалипсиса, having studied an astrology and other sciences. Let do not shout, that winter in Siberia! The snow will suffice, means, of a crop will be much. Not at once Arctic Region we shall kindle. To all the time! "Н", "НГ" and "К" will manage maximum to weaken impacts of frosts апокалипсиса. The rains bear(carry) protection to ground, флоре and фауне, filling the dried sites former USSR. The snow too will help, if it(him) to give enough, prick there was no while energy it(him) to kindle. We work all! To be to a crop! Долой апокалипсис! All in our hands! Рубин190 13.10.2012 In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature of air - plus of nine degrees, and on a street. Цандера - plus of seven degrees. A wind northwest. Rain only has stopped which went since yesterday's day. The rain and snow - deposits is absolute riches in skilful hands. Russia types(collects) these riches, which allow the Russians to receive all kinds and forms of energy. The rivers flow, there are lakes, овраги and ponds is an energy of hydrostations, environment(Wednesday) обитания флоры and фауны, and opportunity of life to the man. The snow thaws and turns to water for the rivers, reservoirs, seas and oceans. Water evaporates and makes work of moving. Main, constantly to have water, even let as snows and ice. The sun always is present. Rest - results of action of the man and nature. Means it is necessary to carry out circulation, working consciousness and body, creating the appropriate devices, ways and mechanisms. We work! We give on Russia, till May, 2013 (roughly) water of Atlantic from a southwest of Russia! A rain, snow. There is no meaning(importance) while. Трудимся! The snow is kindled in water! 14.10.2012 22:37 Тепло1237 Today, in Moscow, in square, the large group of the workers cleaned(removed) foliage of trees. The workers completely оголяли ground from foliage, put(folded) foliage in bags and somewhere took away. The trees and bushes have remained for winter with barefaced roots. Will strike a winter frost, and the trees with bushes will be lost. So, in Moscow the fans(amateurs) of cleanliness and comfort have destroyed set плодовых of trees and bushes. Differently, than open вредительством, these harvests(cleanings) to not name. It is known by(with) any inhabitant of village, even the kids! As a similar example, it is necessary to tell the following case in edification to the false fans(amateurs) of cleanliness. One man has bought козу. She(it) in the winter, it(him) has brought two козлят. Коза lived in a premise(room) wooden бани, has made to itself thick подстилку from навоза for residing in лютый a winter frost. The woman who is looking after for козой, loved cleanliness. She(it) has cleaned(removed) completely all навоз at козы, having left a pure(clean) wooden floor with a thin layer of hay on it(him). The man she(it) did not begin to listen, as considered(counted) itself skilled, planting pigs long years. There was a November. Once at night has struck the first serious frost. The woman in the morning has gone to козе. She(it) also loved her(it) доила to drink curative milk козы. Коза laid dead, not sustained colds. The horns at козы have fallen off, when the woman has undertaken them to throw out козу. The fans(amateurs) of cleanliness, summer in Moscow sold water - three hundred roubles for двухсотграммовый a glass, adding there drops of a cheap syrup. They wanted to sell water in Moscow, raising on it(her) of the price and establishing counters of water in apartments. Now дождевой of water in Moscow it is a lot of. A tractor are carried on streets of Moscow, spilling on already wet roads, water. What for? The answer only one. The businessmen reserved water, believing, that there will be a years(summer) heat and they unprecedentedly обогатятся. Now they should pour out the reserved water, on night, on already filled by rains, asphalt. Yet there was summer of rains, round day, no tractor, drops did not water streets of Moscow. Stood continuous ажиотаж on the part of the manufacturers of counters. The manufacturers tore telephones of Muscovites, requiring(demanding) from them of installation of counters and threatening the penalties in tens thousand roubles monthly. Now these молодчики have hidden and pour water, cooling and without that cold streets. It диверсионные of group? 15.10.2012 7:59 Торн192 In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature of air - plus of two degrees, and on a street. Цандера - plus of five degrees. A wind southwest. Temperature sharply falls, since yesterday have cleaned(removed) foliage around of houses, in his(its) square. The foliage was cleaned(removed) by(with) mobile, large group of the young people of former republics USSR, under the direction of the young man on a bicycle. "НГ" has approached to this man and has asked: " What for you clean(remove) foliage? You see the trees will be lost from the first frost. Roots оголены! " It(he) has answered: " Certainly, will be lost. But us the order from above. Differently us will dismiss from work ". It, similar, work of western special services. It is a lot of information on them, similar activity. (see for example film " Operation the resident "). The fallen foliage is huge термобатареей, утепляющей huge volumes of space. Trees and the bushes for this purpose also dump(reset) the foliage. On asphalt of sidewalks weight of the announcements about installation of conditioners and обогревателей is printed. All newspapers - телепрограммы забиты by this information with the additives about installation of plastic windows, balconies, лоджий and steel doors. Cost of installation of the conditioner: twenty, thirty thousand roubles. Though there is it(he) copecks made by punching, mass manufacture. To establish it(him): in minutes to drill bearing(carrying) designs of a house (it(him) also to destroy). Обогреватели - too " gold дно ". They also cost(stand) copecks by mass manufacture. But in a cold they are very dearly sold! It becomes clear, to whom the autumn, winter and spring colds, and years(summer) heat, who the customer on harvest(cleaning) foliage of the Moscow squares and parks are favourable. The prices for products and habitation will be raised by automatic monitoring systems. Moscow is huge централью, network of thermal circuits of Russia. It is necessary in Moscow warmly to clean(remove) with the help of elementary harvest(cleaning) of foliage, and Russia will be in a cold all autumn, winter and spring. In the summer, naturally, the heat will follow. Trees and the bushes can not protect, Moscow. The account of west is simple. The circuit of execution(performance) is even easier. By motive of cleanliness, comfort and beauty to buy the selling officials. They will order and … The foliage, groups of the workers, develops in polyethylene, black bags and is taken out in a unknown direction. Moscow and Russia беднеют. West rises. From asphalt, foliage too rake up in bags. It is necessary this foliage, here to rake up to close growing trees and bushes. If it is necessary, it is necessary to cover foliage with ground, which surrounds trees and bushes. But in no event, foliage from trees and bushes to clean(remove) it is impossible. Then natural, global термобатарея will work. Moscow and Russia will be rich! It is necessary to force now these groups of the workers with their owners, to return foliage back, and losses of Moscow and Russia to compensate by their compulsory work. The execution(performance) of the wrong orders of the chiefs, is the same crime. The charter of the armed forces is supplemented by the military legislation for correction of the wrong orders of the commanders and chiefs. Subordinated there is no right to execute the wrong orders of the commanders and chiefs. 18.10.2012 20:01 Волга174 "Н", "НГ" and "К" submit and will submit heat and moisture, through North of Africa on Europe, Moscow and Russia from Southwest directions of Atlantic, all: autumn, winter and spring. It will be impossible to stop, differently frosts will tear Russia! Anybody almost does not understand, that the winter will be extremely snow! Other output(exit) is not present, and will not be! Water and snow - real energy, which is not present in ground without its(her) artificial submission from oceans. Wake up, sirs, comrades! Prepare to снегопадам! Prepare engineering and people! On a nose November. "Н", "НГ" and "К" are not inclined to jokes with weather! The rains and снегопады will alternate, since the moon and the other planets work too, under the laws, breaking rhythms of stability. It is elementary logic following from the plans "Н", "НГ" and "К". Any forecasts, ясновидений and other nonsense! The seas, river, lakes, ponds and other reservoirs, in Russia, almost have dried up! In ground of water is not present. Her(it) have extorted by chinks. Water in ground needs again to be reserved. Then the hydrostations will earn on complete capacity. The electric power will become cheaper, and after it(her) begin to fall in the price: the goods, products and rent. The choice is not present!
_Основным вопросом человека, а естественно всех наук, в том числе и философии, является вопрос явления бесконечной энергии точки, исходящей из Третьего Закона Ньютона.
_Великий Исаак Ньютон обнаружил и констатировал этот факт, не вдаваясь в подробности этого явления, полагаясь на бесконечность движения и, вытекающей из него бесконечности энергии. _Великий Галилео Галилей вывел свою знаменитую формулу E = m*g*h, известную всем из всеобщего образования школы, из которой вытекает, что E = m*v*v, где v - скорость тела, а m - его масса.
_Великий Эйнштейн из этой формулы вывел свою формулу E = m*c*c, где m - масса тела, а с - скорость света.
_Великий Планк получил свою формулу E = h*v, где v - частота, h - постоянная Планка.
_Точка пространства реально без массы не существует в силу объективности, являясь вследствие этого объектом, который имеет свою массу, благодаря чему воспринимается другими объектами и субъектами.
_Точка всегда имеет массу m, которая является переменной, диалектической, относительной, неопределенной и обладает бесконечной энергией из-за бесконечности движения и колебания как ее частей, так и всего комплекса точки.
_Точка находится в среде бесконечного окружающего пространства, с бесконечно действующим на нее со всех сторон силами и энергиями колебательного движения.
_Точка непрерывно колеблется вследствие этого воздействия.
_Она воспринимается абсолютно неподвижной в случае бесконечной частоты ее колебания в пространстве с бесконечно малой амплитудой колебания, но в результате этого она имеет бесконечную переменную скорость движения своей массы, причем эта скорость имеет бесконечно и непрерывно изменяющийся знак.
_Бесконечная скорость влечет за собой бесконечные энергию, инерцию точки и результаты Законов Ньютона.
_Таким образом, диалектика и формула Галилео Галилея элементарно показывают наличие бесконечной энергии точки пространства.
_Внутри любой точки, таких точек с бесконечными энергиями - бесконечное количество вследствие подобных процессов колебаний этих точек с бесконечными частотами, рождающихся воздействием энергий колебания других точек.
_Поэтому из любой точки пространства можно извлекать бесконечную энергию, не нарушая процессы других точек, если правильно управлять извлечением этой энергии.
_Из этой логики следует бесконечность выводов и результатов новых категорий нуля, вакуума и прочих новых относительных категорий.
_"Традиционная наука блестяще завершает работу, своими величайшими открытиями позволяя выйти на управление бесконечной энергии точки новыми решениями, прежде ограничивая конечностью внутреннюю энергию системы, совершая абсолютно грубую ошибку, не в состоянии обнаружить бесконечную энергию внутри системы и с ней оперировать на основе устаревших решений.
_Она дает определение внутренней энергии системы в виде энергии движения и взаимодействия микрочастиц системы.
_Ограничиваясь микромиром и не в состоянии его преодолеть, эта наука заканчивает свое существование.
_Эта наука дает одно из определений невозможности вечного двигателя первого рода в виде устройства, совершающего большую работу, чем сообщенную ему извне.
_Она вводит КПД меньше или равный единице и завершает свою деятельность". /автор: Зиновьев В.П./
........................................................................ ........................................................................
_Традиционная наука определяет энергию единой мерой различных форм движения материи, в том числе и механической энергии.
_По ее правилам: "Закон сохранения энергии является фундаментальным законом природы: энергия не создается и не уничтожается; она может переходить из одной формы в другую; возможен обмен энергией между различными видами материи - веществом и полем."
/см. Кошкин Н.И., Ширкевич М.Г.,- 10-е изд, испр и доп,- М.: Наука. Гл.ред.физ.-мат. лит., 1988.- 256 с. "Справочник по элементарной физике".300000 экз.
_Бесконечность и нуль не имеют ни форм, ни видов, ни тел, и поэтому традиционная физика с ними не работает.
_Формы и виды являются абстракциями в непрерывности и относительности движения изменяющейся энергии.
_Абстрагируясь от реальности, благодаря своим свойствам производить отношения, объект и субъект с определенной степенью вероятности определяют конкретность конечных видов и форм.
_Энергия - это абстрактная категория для обозначения объективной реальности непрерывного движения и изменения пространства и времени.
_Конкретные проявления энергии выражаются эффектами.
_Математика оперирует бесконечностью и нулем абстрактно, применяя эти категории внутри конечных форм.
_Другие науки вытекают из физики и также не оперируют с бесконечностью и нулем.
_Сохранение - это абстрактная категория, ничего общего с реальностью не имеющая из-за диалектичности и относительности пространства и времени.
_Определение энергии единой мерой по правилам традиционной науки обречено на изменение диалектикой, также, как и сохранение.
_Догматические принципы единственности и сохранения в основах физики являются недопустимыми в диалектике, относительности, неопределенности и непрерывности процессов.
_Закон сохранения энергии исчерпывает себя абстрагированием догм и конечностей.
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_"Зиновьев В.П. на протяжении 16(шестнадцати) лет представляет реальные системы, обладающие бесконечной внутренней энергией, не потребляющих ее извне, а бесконечно ее выдающих наружу и разрушает теории традиционных наук"./автор: Зиновьев В.П./12:52 21.02.2010
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_Вместо предисловия: _В связи с тем, что до сих пор не прекратились нападки всяких невежд на теории Зиновьева В.П. о бесконечной энергии точки, публикуются материалы экспертизы практической проверки реальной схемы с КПД = 30 единиц.
_20 октября 2009г. академик международной академии и ряда других академий ( он же является крупнейшим экспертом изобретений и открытий целого ряда областей наук, в том числе физики, энергетики и т.д. ) приезжал к автору Зиновьеву В.П. для экспертизы работоспособности реальной конструкции с КПД более 20 единиц (одна единица - это 100%) энергии электрического тока с выходной мощностью 100Вт и входной около 3Вт. (Академик выезжал для экспертизы после предварительного анализа этого КПД специалистами высокого уровня, которые сообшили ему о своих результатах.
_Экспертиза подтвердила реальность возможности создания автономного образца при условии отсутствия новых неизвестных явлений, противоречащих результатам экспертизы и требующих соответствующей коррекции конструкции и теории.
_Проверка производилась тестерами, осциллографом и выделением тепла при сравнении входного и выходного токов, отличаюшихся на порядок. Выходное напряжение превышало входное более, чем в два раза, а выходной ток превышал при этом входной более, чем в десять раз.
Поскольку напряжения входа и выхода измерялось сотнями Вольт, выходной ток по приборам был около 300мА, при входном около 30мА, то резисторы величиной сопротивлением 50 Ом и номинальной мощностью 0,25 Вт реагировали на входной и выходной ток в пропорции. На выходе резистор через несколько секунд дымился, а на входе тепло резистора почти не ощущалось рукой.
(см.ниже схему проверки)
Сегодня 24 октября 2009г. 14:26:40 Автор: Виктор Дмитриевич Президент по науке, доктор наук бесконечной энергии точки, профессор Академии Эффекта Алгебраического Деления Зарегистрирован: 2009-08-19 Сообщений: 34 Уважение: +19 Позитив: +8 IP: [?]Провел на форуме: 8 часов 14 минут Последний визит: Сегодня 14:27:49 Я могу подтвердить, что представленная схема проверки соответствует тем цифрам, потому что видел эти измерения за несколько недель до академика, что способствовало приезду академика к Зиновьеву В.П. Форум
_На Рис 1.1 и Рис 2.1 представлен вариант проверки формул:
Зиновьева В.П. _1.КПД = Rp/(Rз*N), при Rр = Rз*(N-1)*(N-1),
_2.Pвх. = U*U*(N-1)*(N-1)/(N*N*N*Rр),
_3.Pr = U*U*(N-1)*(N-1)*(N-1)*(N-1)/(N*N*N*N*Rp),
_4.КПД = (N-1)*(N-1)/N,
_6. Qр/Qз = N - 1 ,
или Qp = Qз*(N-1) для двух видов пространств с учетом Rр = Rз*(N-1)*(N-1) в случае переходов заряда по различным пространствам емкости.
в математических выражениях и их физической интерпретации, являющихся ключевыми моментами к решению различных задач в электронике, технике и других областях. В формулах: Rp - резистор разряда, Rз - резистор заряда, N - скважность прямоугольного импульса, Pвх - потребляемая мощность от источника питания во время процесса, Pp - мощность, выделяемая на резисторе. U - напряжение источника питания. К - коэффициент заполнения импульсов, Qр - величина разряда конденсатора, Qз - величина заряда конденсатора.
_Бесследное исчезновение зарядов можно рассматривать разновидностью преобразования видов и форм пространства и времени, например временным переходом или отрицательным потенциалом минус бесконечности .
_Формулы выводятся следующим образом из Рис.1.1.:
_Ток заряда конденсатора равен: Iз = (U - Uc)/(N*Rз) = (U -(U*N - U)/N)/(N*Rз) = U/(N*Rз*N)
_Действующее значение величины заряда конденсатора: Uc = U - U/N = (U*N - U)/N
_Ток разряда конденсатора: Iр = Uc/(N*Rp/(N - 1)) = Uc*(N - 1)/(N*Rp) = = U*(N - 1)*(N - 1)/(N*Rp*N)
_Iз = Ip при Rp/Rз = (N - 1)*(N - 1)
_Потребляемая мощность будет равна: Pвх = (U*Iз)/N
_Выделяемая на резисторе разряда мощность: Pp = Ip*Ip*Rp = (U*U*(N - 1)*(N - 1)*(N - 1)*(N - 1)/(N*N*N*N*Rp)
_Откуда: КПД = Pp/Pвх = (N - 1)*(N - 1)/N при Rp/Rз = (N - 1)*(N - 1) для Iз = Ip, или КПД = Rp/(Rз*N)
20:55 26.06.2010г.
_5:53 27.06.2010г.
Из Рис.1 Выводится формула: Qp = Qз(N - 1)
_Qз = Iз*t; Qp = Ip*(T - t); Iз = Ip = I; Qз = I*t; Qp = I*(T - t);
_Qз/t = Qp/(T - t); Qp = Qз*(T - t)/t = Qз*(N -1);
_Эта формула справедлива и для Рис.1.1. с учетом Rр = Rз*(N-1)*(N-1); Вывод формулы аналогичен.
_Основы доказательства бесконечной энергии точки пространства:
- точка пространства существует бесконечное время в бесконечном движении;
- бесконечное движение точки существует только с ее определенной средней скоростью, в бесконечном времени взаимодействия средней силы точки, со средой;
- бесконечное время движения точки, при ее средней скорости, требует бесконечного пути ее движения;
_Результат умножения величины средней силы точки на бесконечную величину ее пути - это бесконечная величина энергии точки!!!
Bases of the proof of infinite energy of a point of space:
- The point of space exists infinite time in infinite movement;
- The infinite movement of a point exists only with its(her) certain average speed, in infinite time of interaction of average force of a point, with environment(Wednesday);
- The infinite time of movement of a point, at its(her) average speed, requires(demands) an infinite way of its(her) movement;
The result of multiplication of size of average force of a point on infinite size of its(her) way is an infinite size of energy of a point!!!
13:58 16.12.2011г.
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Again about weather in Moscow from 5:35 22.06.2012г.

_5:12 22.06.2012г. Знайка1298
" In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus fourteen and a half of degrees.
Last years, and the academician Л. and many scientific planets continuously is especial the last year твердили about апокалипсисе 2012 and the next years, including 2013.
In 2010 terrible years(summer) heat with huge fires, smoke and гарью in Moscow and on all To planet, have compelled "Н", "НГ" and "К" to join and to adjust a climate of Moscow and Russia intensive By works.
As a result of these works, the summer of 2011 for Moscow and Russia has appeared immeasurably is more damp and More cool in view of that a certain astrologist Рю predicted to Moscow and Russia in the summer and autumn 2011 terrible heat, fires, smoke, гарь and continuous, continuous, mass (as to the flies) Death and horrors, muscovites and Russians. To it(him) it has not passed.
From fires, гари and smoke, Moscow and Russia were rescued per 20011 years by works "Н", "НГ" and "К".
Mass наезды of many structures and озлобленных of the people since March and is especial of December, 2011 on "НГ", Have made the dirty business. In February and March, 2012 in Moscow, Russia and on all planet Mass epidemics from frosts raged.
In Moscow, in 2010, June 22, at five o'clock in the morning was plus of twenty degrees, in the same time, In 2011, plus of seventeen degrees, and now, in this is high time, for two and a half Than degree is lower.
Work "Н", "НГ", "К", the normal representatives of mankind and space, sweep away away The astrological and other forecasts, showing управляемость by any processes of space and Planets with the help of activity of hands, body and consciousness.
Due to the publications about works and technologies "Н", "НГ" and "К", the mankind is included more actively In regulation of a climate of a planet and space.
It allows to liberate some time "Н" and "НГ", and to publish materials of adjustment of weather And results of works on electronics, power, and other new sciences of infinite energy Points.
Today экстремум of heat on a planet.
"Н" And "НГ" again are included more actively in adjustment of a climate, taking into account spring epidemics and forecasts The astrologists about апокалипсисе 2012 - 2013.
Means, publication, on electronics, power and new sciences of a point, will be on the second plan.
Despite of many preventions(warnings), some forums in the Internet are obstinate and озлобленно put The mass insults "Н" and "НГ", обгаживая "Эфалд", anonymously transforming it(him) in пакость, in кликухи And other мерзость. For it "Н" and "НГ" will punish the owners of these dirty forums, their accomplices and The appropriate persons of ruling classes of a planet. But all the time. "Н" and "НГ" put regular The impacts on the specified figures and those are cleaned(removed) from a planet.
Now important отвратить апокалипсис to train mankind and nature of a planet for deduction Normal climate. All rest minor and parallel.
We work!
6:23 22.06.2012г.
28.06.2012г. 5:59:18. Urgent, special release.
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus fourteen and a half of degrees.
"Н", "НГ" and "К" since June 22 it, 2012 successfully hold северо - western direction of winds on Moscow, wide front banishing on it(her) a cool from Greenland and North Pole. As a result of such work almost all Europe, Moscow, Russia and even Юго - East Asia receive a moisture of oceans and cool. "НГ" believed in the beginning of spring of this year, that is necessary to hold in Moscow temperature 20 - 25 degrees and began it to carry out. But feeling of heat and Sensations of troubles did not give it(him) of rest. It is not enough of experience in of this business. Yesterday "НГ" has looked in the Internet the message on fires in USA and Russia.
There are such messages on June 12, 2012. Now in USA storm fires, and in Russia on June 12, it appears there was terrible пожароопасная conditions with 129 fires in Siberia and Оренбуржье. The observers cooperating with "НГ" anything such did not hear on ТВ to channels, daily them looking through. Means, информслужбы of a planet hide the information.
In time "НГ", "К" and "Н", чутьем and correctly have joined in a new direction - to hold damp and cool weather in Moscow, by submission of a cold of Greenland and North Pole. Let cool, but not fires both heat. Vegetables and fruit, Milk, vegetative and other food will be enough, if "Н", "К" and "НГ" can the year round keep about such weather in Moscow. Further they will correct weather that weather is necessary perfect, not hot and not морозная to all Russia and all planet. "Н", "К" and "НГ" began to hold a cool. At once have fallen silent the intrigues of campaign of installation of counters of water. "НГ" 60 years study all materials of a climate of Moscow and Russia. It(he) perfectly knew, that in недрах of the Earth water suffices and believed, that will give temperature in Moscow 25 - 30 degrees the year round with perfect solar days. So it(he) began to do(make) in 2010. Has appeared, that water in недрах of the Earth in general is not present also Earth is fed only at the expense of rains, regularly receiving them from oceans through clouds. Where your internal messages of oceans with your level of oceans of water in колодцах, sirs of the geocolumn - пустозвоны? There is no ocean underground water, трепачи! Means, "К", "Н" and "НГ" will be гнать a moisture of oceans on Moscow, Europe and Russia with Северо - West! With средины of August, "К", "Н" and "НГ" will be switched, and till June, 2013 will be гнать on Moscow, Europe and Russia is warm Equators of the Earth, if some correction for warm and damp weather, though - in Moscow and Russia, the year round, without heat and frosts again is not required. "НГ" has given a number(line) of the publications on creation of an independent, portable source of infinite energy of a point. It is time to undertake intensively weather. Экстремум of heat пройден by the Earth of June 22. The possible(probable) sudden impacts of heat of July and August with fires and катаклизмами to Moscow and Russia are not necessary. Only let sirs, with high profits and salaries, lips do not unroll. "Н" them will destroy ruthlessly @ concentric and other энергиями. Equality - свято. These sirs drops of advantage(benefit) do not give, so them not a place on a planet! Main measured the awards - opening! There are no them is receive equally! The parasites it is visible without devices and shadowing. They need to be destroyed! Let in USA they will reflect, what such masters on a planet! What their gods pass(miss) heat and frosts in cities and staffs(states) of richest and greatest America? Means are insolvent? We work, gods! Is not present to heat and frosts for Moscow and Russia the year round!
7:01 28.06.2012г.
28.06.2012г. 8:50:12.
"Н", "К" and " НГ have included a moisture and cool on Moscow and Russia with Северо - West. Even in Хайфе send rains, and it in the most hot season! Such decision is much better. A moisture and cool Atlantic, and Северно - Ледовитого of oceans will allow vegetation and fauna of Europe and Asia to get stronger and to resist to infernal colds of space. Everyone know, that in the autumn, during often rains, vegetative and the fauna develops most actively. The mushrooms, berries, fruits of trees and bushes, vegetable cultures, fish and animal, and also other forms of life triumph during a damp climate. The summer residents in a rate, that than are more having watered, the more crops. The strong, mighty and plentiful vegetation protects ground natural парниками and conditioners. "К", "Н" and "НГ" can not physically submit continuously moisture and cool on Moscow and Russia. Means, of solar flows will be enough during breaks of actions "Н", "К" and "НГ". Let does not frighten, that in some separate small points of Far North of Russia will be слабенькие frosts summer. When since August "Н", "К" and "НГ" will begin to submit on Moscow and Russia warmly equators of the Earth, in those points temperature, the minimum will be kept, if not will be raised. Main, that the basic territory of Russia will be warm and damp the year round.
The experience of work, "Н", "НГ" and "К", allows confidently to predict such results.
We notice and we work. " Years(summer) day - the year feeds! " We shall make in the years(summer) afternoon - the year round!
29.06.2012г. 14:17:13.
Four years "Н", "НГ" and "К" demonstrate to a planet and all space of an opportunity of adjustment of weather and climate, publishing the results. The scientific planets obstinately continue to be silent, seeing the incontestable facts. They have swallowed languages? The man has found huge клад with infinite riches. Whom it(he) can declare it for the fixed compensation? Similar, that it(him) simply will rob completely! The sites are blocked maximum. The information is plundered and is used secretly. Electronics sold in the markets, only secret, without the circuits and almost all without the instructions in Russian. The theft of works эфалд is too obviously expressed, in which the absolute amplifiers and other circuits are demonstrated. Without these amplifiers to not receive any competitive electronic device. ворюги! And what scales? About what democracy goes треп? What validity on a planet and for whom? In Russia already for a long time sell water to the citizens, tearing off with them of thousand roubles monthly, and now also the counters of water in each apartment try to insert. How many you, the sirs ворюги, pay "Н", "НГ" and "К" for regular submission of water in Russia with, Atlantic and Северно - Ледовитого, oceans? And than pay for heat in other periods?
Sit in soft armchairs and хапаете hundred thousand roubles monthly for тыканье of fingers in buttons of votings, calling itself national избранниками?!
Badly it! Ай, it is bad!
30.06.2012г. 4:47:37.
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus twelve and a half of degrees.
Perfectly! Means, work "Н", "К" and "НГ" go correctly. Waters of Atlantic and Arctic Region act in Russia, проникая is deep on the South of Russia. In Kazan and Самаре there are rains. Оренбуржье a beginning to be cooled and синоптики predict there too speed rains. Tashkent and Alma-Ata too in a zone of rains. The continuous front of rains, continuously acts in Russia from Atlantic and Arctic Region. Perfectly! The crop will be! Soon the year round Russia will receive heat and moisture! China and Japan too not сачкуют. In Tokyo and Pekin temperature about plus of twenty five degrees in the afternoon. But in Delhi and Bagdad of business are extremely bad. There, day, temperature reaches(achieves) plus of forty two degrees. Extremely badly work there жрецы and psychics. "НГ" by him(it) demonstrated the last year, in this it is high time, as it is necessary to submit there moisture of the Indian ocean. They do not penetrate into essence! The rivers whence undertake? Than only it do not explain, but overlook(forget), that only кругооборот of water works. The moisture of oceans acts on land as rains, which come back in oceans as the rivers. Recollect 2010! "НГ", relying on праведность географов, began to give only warmly in Russia. Than it was terminated? The governors of Russia have rushed to prepare for mass destruction of the people. Began to drag to itself in Moscow huge pipes from Arctic Region. Same mister Сталин was engaged also, dig(rummage) channels from Arctic Region in Moscow for a type арыков of Central Asia. The gods of USA have penetrated into essence and too have begun to submit to staffs(states) a moisture of oceans. Already real shift!
National избранники should show a real example of the concrete submission of a moisture of oceans by the handles. Арыки, channels and the pipes will not rescue from heat and frosts. The engineering all will rise in heat and frosts. Except for hands, nothing will help. " And is gratuitous! " Will suffice хапать national money and blood! Work the sirs, or die. So all spoke to children Оренбуржья per the fiftieth years. This орлы at once are begun орать, that by(with) they children in space. So die, if not work, as children Оренбуржья and other areas of Russia, from which you drink blood ruthlessly and which kill by round-the-clock work on itself, many summers(years). The engineering is secondary. Weather and climate are primary and are done(made) only by palms of hands. The engineering only allows more actively пожирать results of work of palms of hands with weather! Clearly by all? Or even more in detail to chew тунеядство one and slavish work others. That to be carried as Гапона on the areas! By palms plough, умник. What to write out rules пожираний and sharing of results of work of another's palms? By the palms plough! Forward and not мудрите. You, most? Prove by the palms!
Constantly and gratuitously!
30.06.2012г. 7:32:18.
Immediately заскулили, завизжали, заверещали the bastards, that by him(it) лакомств will not be, that in Leningrad of anomaly of a cold. What you юродствуете? The Leningrad area the last year burned! On June 12 it, 2012 in Russia there were 129 largest centers of fires. Гибли the people and nature. You have more death and it would be desirable horrors? On itself test. подыхайте, burn and choke from гари. Still мразь, so мразь! Leningrad is almost Far North and there always it should be cold. It оплот of North of Russia created on костях of Russian people, Петром by First. If there жарко in the summer, then, all Russia already burns and полыхает. Stop to cause anomalies in Russia. Only northern and northwest winds, with a moisture and rains, bear(carry) life of all Russia. Other variant is not given, and more will not be differently world(global) with the wolves, " … as снявши a skin from them долой ". Крылов is perfect! Заврались of the geocolumn about presence of underground communication(connection) of waters of a land and ocean. Have checked up it them вранье " Н "," НГ "and" К " in 2010 and in 2011. They, hoping on underground communication(connection) of waters of a land and oceans, have given those years only warmly equators of the Earth in Russia. Moscow and Russia were not watered. There was nothing them to water. There is no water under ground in Russia, other, than from rains. The textbooks copy, умники!
Зря channels dug Сталин by hands of the Russian people, killing their weights? It(he), with three classes церковно-приходской of school, was is cleverer "Great" географов. Russia the fires hardly was not destroyed. Will suffice empty трепа. Real weather is done(made) now. The south of Russia and Great Siberia, only - only begin to receive a moisture of Arctic Region and Atlantic. And it, thanking чутью "НГ", "К" and "Н". They чутьем have caught the latent information on fires of Russia two weeks back, and immediately have begun to give Russia a moisture and cool of Arctic Region and Atlantic, having checked up чутье in the Internet by viewing of the information about fires and temperatures of cities of Russia. Only in two weeks began to receive a moisture of Atlantic and Arctic Region, southern areas of Russia. Break off, мерзкие of subquality work of a nature. You already натрепались about huge потеплениях, about glaciers and other bosh, and only drink another's blood through economy and jurisprudence, rule and voting, with the help of armies and police, courts and other нечисти.
Work the palms and hold the year round warmly and moisture in Russia, or подохнете under impacts of palms and biofields present - the gods and people. On North Pole плюсовая temperature, and it(he) on many thousand kilometers to the north of Leningrad. Will suffice empty трепа! Will not freeze, neither your Leningrad, nor your Europe, but only only become стройнее, more beautifully, is stronger also richman, from a moisture and cool in the summer, and from heat and moisture in the winter! Temperature is higher plus of three degrees in North of Russia is already life and riches, if so it is necessary, that was not in Russia of fires summer and frosts in the winter. Reaches, at last, your chicken brains with filled терабайтами of the another's formulas, equations, theories, fairy tales and other stuff?
6:33 01.07.2012г.
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus thirteen and a half of degrees.
"Н", "К" and "НГ" work and give a moisture with a cool to Moscow and Russia, automatically cooling hot USA, Canada, Cuba, Europe, Asia and part of Africa!
01.07.2012г. 8:18.
It is really not clear, that the geocolumns are simply illiterate. They only can ground dig, compose небылицы, начитываться of the ridiculous compositions primitive полуобезьян and be admired дрянью about underground communications(connections) of waters of oceans, having found out their rare phenomena in separate, is insignificant the small sizes? They are absolutely far from physics, mathematics, chemistry, and especially from electronics, power, not speaking about new sciences. They love is, to sleep, блаженствовать, to be treated and to enjoy, to dominate and to subordinate. To them listen, read and study their compositions, and it is necessary to liquidate result - апокалипсис, which by boundless work "Н", "К" and "НГ". Now and " козе it is clear ", that will be озон on a planet, due to new directions of works "Н", "К" and "НГ", which rotate wide front of a moisture and cool, strip, from southern areas of Greenland, up to North Pole - in a direction from northwest of Russia on its(her) southeast. As a result of it there is a movement of wide front of a moisture and cool of this direction around of all planet. Naturally, Canada, USA, Europe, Asia, part of Africa, Japan, Southern America and other Parts Light, receive a moisture and cool in infernal апокалипсическое time.
Vegetation, animal and other world of a planet оживают, giving oxygen, озон, every possible riches and miracles to all planet. Radiation is washed off by water. It is everyone know, studying in schools and HIGH SCHOOLS materials on protection against the weapon of a mass defeat. The planet is cleared and triumphs! Now waters will be enough, and sun suffices! The crops become again Plentiful. The era коммунизма comes inevitably and without any authors формаций! Формации occur as a result of work and present opening. We work, gods! 1,5 months and again will be be necessary to increased by(with) heat by Moscow and Russia, alternating(interleaving) it(him) with submission of a moisture. So it is necessary to work the year round, improving systems of regulation of a climate, weather and other processes on a planet, and in space (макро, микро, нано, пико etc.).
02.07.2012г. 5:21
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of twenty degrees.
Wind northeast. Дождевые of a cloud of northern directions arrive in Moscow.
It is not necessary especially to experience! Yesterday and the day before yesterday "Н", "НГ" and "К" were engaged in oral works with consciousness of a society(community). July with mass harvest(cleaning) in Russia grain - grain cultures - пшеницы and ржи began. Till September it is necessary to work especially. The alternations of hot and rainy strips of days are necessary. The heat is necessary for fast drying of stalks and ears grain, that the combines them could обмолачивать. The rains are necessary, that the planet should do not perish from a drought. It means, that it is necessary to the psychics to work with a climate and weather many hours round day, except for dream and reception of food, till September. Then, by the previous years, in the beginning of October again will strike a glacier, with which till June of the next year will be necessary to struggle. The share of the gods - psychics - электронщиков is those which understand of energy of electromagnetic spectra of space and planet. Others study and are engaged in traditional systems for a primitive survival, consumption of kinds энергий, created by these gods. We work, gods! We train other population! So learned(taught) the students on радиофаках, speaking them, that you will construct коммунизм - complete abundance of kinds, useful to the man, of energy in space and on a planet. Короста - the superstructures, are created by the parasites of a society(community) on works of the gods, automatically, feeling tasty лакомства. With them we work in parallel and also powerfully, forcing them to study electronics, to work with electronics and weather or to be cleaned(removed) from a planet.
03.07.2012г. 6:00 In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of twenty one degrees.
Wind northwest. Дождевые of a cloud of northwest directions, strips go through Moscow on a southeast for ring movement of a moisture and cool of wide front around of all planet. We work all!
It will be now very difficult! 1,5 months of almost round-the-clock work of submission of a moisture and cool, strips. It is necessary to clean(remove) grain and to not allow be to a drought with fires! It is a task for all people and gods of a planet!
Let's execute her(it) with honour and advantage, understanding mistakes географов about ostensibly океанических waters inside ground. Waters go from ocean, it is valid. But they need to be submitted through дождевые of a cloud. And they are farther by the rivers will go to oceans. The circulation, which is done(made) with forces and энергиями of the people - gods.
04.07.2012. 5:07
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of nineteen degrees.
Wind northwest. Дождевые of a cloud of northern directions, strips go through Moscow on a southwest and southeast for ring movement of a moisture and cool of wide front around of all planet. It means, that the majority of the gods and people work correctly, not allowing to kill a planet by heat, drought and their consequences. Синоптики yesterday predicted for today solar and hot day in Moscow. They leaned (based) on позавчерашний day, in which "Н", "К" and "НГ" about seven hours were engaged in oral belief of the people in productivity of such works. Working hours, with weather, was lost. The automatic systems of tracking of weather of a planet have given the appropriate results. Yesterday "Н", "К" both "НГ" densely have worked and синоптики, automatically will give other forecasts! More shortly to work it is necessary for the gods, instead of to nod on services of shadowing, researches and conclusions by results of works of the gods. Let's look tomorrow, that today will make "Н", "К" and "НГ". How many moisture and cool they will bring to a planet, Russia and Moscow. Синоптики amicably will show result of works of the gods! They can not predict the gods, which continuously change directions of the works. Синоптики work on statistics. The gods work on the purposes! We work, the gods, people - gods and it is simple the people! All will be helped by other inhabitants, essences, objects and subjects of a planet.
05.07.2012г. 7:00
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of eighteen degrees.
Wind northwest. Дождевые of a cloud of northern directions, also, strips go through Moscow on a southwest and southeast for ring movement of a moisture and cool of wide front around of all planet, for its(her) cooling. Really, year апокалипсический. It is necessary very much to work, that the climate of Moscow and Russia was normal, damp and warm with alternation of solar and rainy days. It is impossible to suppose overcoolings and перегрева, ground and atmosphere. It is necessary to work everything, let even mentally. The enemies suffice. Any negative idea or the bad emotions give rise to a cold or heat. It the malicious forces use, causing negative emotions at the people and other essences. They do not allow the people to live, to work and to have a rest normally. It is necessary in parallel with weather, to waste time on struggle with negative forces. The results prove to be true by an actual normal climate.
We work!
7:01 10.07.2012г.
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of twenty one degrees.
About two hours in succession, there was a rain.
The results of works "Н", "К" and "НГ" are obvious during four years with representation In the Internet.
Weather both climate of a planet, and space, are adjusted by strong consciousness of the man.
Means, it is necessary correctly to train the population of a planet for creation of the best conditions of life.
14.07.2012г. 6:36. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of fourteen degrees. A wind northwest.
Yesterday, 13.07.12г., all day, with breaks, went a strong rain.
"Н", "К" and "НГ" leave on a new level of adjustment of weather of Moscow and Russia!
This year, under the forecasts of the conducting astrologists of a planet, is year of parade of planets. The planets are built in one number(line) and bear(carry) to the Earth апокалипсис by the amplified(strengthened) phenomena of gravitational influences of total meanings(importance) of sizes. Despite of improvement of technologies of the works with weather, "Н", "НГ" and "К" it is necessary to work intensively. Fires and drought in the summer, and winter strong frosts conducting to accidents and epidemics differently are inevitable. Insignificant stops of adjustments of weather, and the sun ruthlessly brings down fatal heat on Moscow and Russia! The simultaneous requirement to the certain sizes of solar heat for harvest(cleaning) grain cultures and the existence of life, complicate and without that a heavy situation of works with weather. "@" weather is not done(made). We work, instead of we are asked. All year we shall make favorable, warm and damp, with sufficient solar days. Then we shall fix success the next years. Only then it is possible in the affirmative to speak in open information channels about an opportunity of adjustment of a climate of a planet and space, with the help of consciousness and hands of the man, without any engineering. While we use pseudonyms and Internet.
We work!
16.07.2012г. 5:50. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of eighteen degrees. A wind northwest. Yesterday, 15.07.2012г., in Moscow, with 17ч. 30 minutes and up to полуночи, there was a uniform, normal rain. "Н", "К" and "НГ" with honour carry out a task of submission of a moisture on Moscow and Russia from Atlantic and Arctic Region, simultaneously humidifying and cooling other parts of a planet, which the previous years suffered from fires and drought. Stocks of a moisture Moscow and Russia already has enough confidently to speak about stability of creation of abundance of products of a feed(meal) and consumer goods. Water decides(solves) all questions of life-support of mankind. Her(it) now enough also is not present a place счетоводству of water. About counters of water jokes now will go everywhere. Some more weeks of work "Н", "К" and "НГ" and the mankind will completely be convinced of reliability of their work. The planet will receive the necessary quantity(amount) of a moisture on land from oceans, by means of rains, this year. The next years this task will be decided(solved) by more effective works "Н", "К" and "НГ". Крикуны and the accountants of quantity(amount), прокармливающихся of the people on a planet, ротики will close seriously and for ever. The new technologies of heat and moisture of a planets developed and used "Н", "К" and "НГ", decide(solve) absolutely all problems of life and feed(meal) of any quantity(amount) of the people of a planet. About similar opportunities of the people, when - that spoke Ленин, denying the theories illiterate Мальтуса. Such technologies are absolute коммунизмом, created practically one man. About what стоимостях and money it is possible to conduct empty conversations in such conditions? What to consider(count), to estimate and to pay in infinite quantities(amounts) of water and energy submitted by hands and consciousness "Н", "К" and "НГ"? Means, all other mankind is simply obliged, also free-of-charge to work, on an example of these persons. We work!
18.07.2012г. 4:00. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of fourteen degrees.
A wind northern, northwest.As was yesterday.
"Н", "К" and "НГ" continue to hold in Moscow and Russia normal weather for a sufficient crop and creation of abundance, contrary to astrological апокалипсису of parade of planets. It is not enough of experience while, but effect already sufficient. They submit a cool and moisture from northwest directions of Europe and Russia.
It should result in change of duration of day, since energy "Н", "К" and "НГ" cause, accelerated rotation of a planet from West on East around of its(her) axis, and also change of a rule(situation) of poles. The astronomers should it fix. The correction of calendars of day, months and years should be made. The thirty second and other days of months now are a reality, instead of fantasy Мюнхгаузена. If the clever scientists will keep silent now about this fact, the mankind itself can calculate results of influence энергий "Н", "НГ" and "К" on speed of rotation of the Earth. Approximately from the end of August, "Н", "НГ" and "К" will stop the amplified(strengthened) cooling and humidifying of Moscow, and Russia by waters of Atlantic and Arctic Region, and will begin to submit on Moscow and Russia warmly equators of the Earth. Then the rotation of the Earth from West on East is more accelerated will be stopped and other change of its(her) poles and its(her) rotation will begin. The guys watch(keep up)! "Н", "НГ" and "К" are not inclined to such jokes!
It to you of the proof of forces and энергий "Н", "НГ" and "К"!
20.07.2012 5:00. In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of thirteen degrees. Continuous облачность дождевых of clouds. The wind goes in a direction on east and southern parts of Russia.
So, the level of ocean has appeared the next invention of the "great" minds(wits) hardly which have not resulted(brought) in destruction life on a planet, since "Н", "НГ" and "К" submitted only warmly, relying on presence of water inside each point of the Earth. This invented level of water in each point of the Earth does not exist.
The level of water at oceans, actually, is much lower than a level of water in reservoirs, rivers, lakes, ponds and other capacities of water driven, or покоящихся and taking place on a surface of a land of a planet. Water flows down with вышерасположенных of points of a planet on levels, according to actions gravitational энергий, in the appropriate tanks called by oceans and the seas. From oceans and seas, water it is necessary is artificial to submit on land of a planet, additional энергиями, that she(it) again flew down in oceans and seas. Studying all sciences, including geography and information of a planet, "Н" and "НГ" saw, that in geography, sciences and information the presence of a uniform level of water of oceans in all points of a planet the Earth is taught. Last years all "great" minds(wits) of a planet have lifted mad shout about an energy crisis of all planet. "Н", "НГ" and "К" immediately have begun to rescue of the Earth and its(her) inhabitants, submitting is warmly equators in cold parts dry. All water of a planet began to leave in oceans, and the accidents, and horrors of fires on all Earth have begun. The ruling structures of the states have begun to carry out(spend) from oceans of a pipe in the vital points for artificial submission of water. USA have begun to create ideologies more three billions superfluous people of Asia. "Н" And "НГ" have understood ложь of sciences and "great" географов about a level of oceans and have begun from June 22 it, 2012, intensively to submit a moisture on a planet from Atlantic and Arctic Region from coast of Greenland and Arctic Region in a direction of northwest of Europe and Russia on their southeast. The planet immediately began to be cooled and to be humidified.
In Europe, since this time, go continuously wait, reaching(achieving) distant boundaries of southern points of Great Russia, Asia, southeast Asia and Africa. Now planet is rescued in a general view.
Certainly, "Н", "НГ" and "К" only - only begin to get new experience of adjustment of a climate of a planet. The old, false sciences and false information, alongside with a brake of negative layers of hostile layers of "scientist" of the world, extremely complicate work "Н", "НГ" and "К". In spite of on anything, "Н", "НГ" and "К" work, humidify and cool a planet in a hot season. We notice and we help them and planet!
Only artificial submission of water on land from oceans rescues life on a planet.
We work all!
24.07.2012г. 6:46
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of sixteen degrees.
Moscow has received this month eight days with rains, trying to leave on daily having watered, fixed in the summer by a nature for normal life of the man, флоры and фауны. His(its) grandmother per far fiftieth years, itself making daily having watered plants and showing practical experience learned(taught) "НГ" this strong results of crops плодовых, vegetable and other useful cultures. She(it) demonstrated a miracle of air of a kitchen garden with his(its) plentiful By oxygen. Организм could not надышаться. From a kitchen garden it would not be desirable to leave in stuffy, hot, dusty and гадкое village with his(its) fatally beautiful houses, fences, roads and inhabitants. In a kitchen garden worked кругооборот of water with the microcategories of invisible electrical pressure(voltage) of capacities паров of water. Water was decomposed to components with oxygen and озоном. This experience now "НГ" transfers on all planet.
"Н", "НГ" and "К" since June 22, 2012 submit a moisture both cool from northern and northwest directions of Atlantic and Arctic Region on Europe and Asia, automatically covering all planet on ring movement. As soon as "Н", "НГ" and "К" stop, Sun, and space immediately begin to kill a planet by heat and radiation in this years(summer) time. Are крикуны and villains interfering to work "Н", "К" and "НГ".
They knock, shout, that freeze, that Moscow fills in, etc. etc.
These monsters, and differently them to not name, the drops do not know the laws of gravitation, hydraulics, теплотехники and other sciences, and лезут " in all дырки ". Think, недоумки, that water leaves from a land in oceans and she(it) needs to be submitted on land only by forces and энергиями of human hands and consciousness. Any other essence it can not do(make). Water at oceans, without кругооборота in an atmosphere, rots, чернеет and forms huge capacities раковых of crates killing all alive and growing. She(it) needs to be moved through an atmosphere, land and rivers for continuous очищения and development. Drops, jet, their weights, at the movement in an atmosphere by the huge sizes of clouds, form any varied capacities of condensers. As a result of it there are electrical categories макро and micro-sizes attracting manufacture of oxygen and озона of huge scales for life of the man, флоры and фауны. The plants too give oxygen, but infinitesimal of sizes in comparison with huge weights of clouds by a drop and паров of water. Water, moving with a land in oceans, gives energy to the man, rivers, флоре and фауне by various variants. She(it) also supersedes petroleum and other useful substances from depths of the Earth on its(her) surface, and makes indefinitely many other kinds of works. Stop works "Н", "НГ" and "К", bastards. You immediately will result a planet in accidents and consecutive destruction. You would like it? You мерзнете at day time temperature plus 20 - 24 degrees on Цельсию? To you morning temperatures 13 - 17 degrees, are too small? To you hour, daily, evening having watered Moscow is her(it) заливание? You on fields, kitchen gardens, in a taiga were? You have got used at мамочки under юбочкой to live and at папочки under крылышком! Maximum point dry is in Улан-Баторе. It mass epidemics and have shown to death of the people in the spring it, 2012. In Улан-Баторе then temperature on twenty degrees was lower, than on North Pole, on which was about a minus to ten - twenty degrees. Лютый the cold Улан-Батора fell by a jet, length more than ten thousand kilometers on the South of Russia, Оренбуржью, Central Asia, Kazakhstan. For the first time, for all history of the Earth, the Black sea has frozen. Sochi and Odessa have freezed at temperatures below minus of ten degrees. It happened as a result of noise, thunder, knocks and shouts of the largest groups of the stupid bastards with мантиями of the great scientists and governors, with grades, posts, ranks, rights and other бумажками.. At "НГ" were completely blocked reason and hands, крутежами бытовиков, pension funds of scientific establishments, mass media and other imperous structures. It(he) has risen and was ill. "НГ" up to средины of January, 2012 held temperature about zero of degrees in Moscow. The bastards орали, rattled, knocked and зверствовали. They deduced(removed) the theories global потеплений by gases and other глупенькими by inventions. March 2 "НГ" have given the first pension. It(he) has joined in submission of heat, being in a hardest illness. Gradually, the planet began to recover. But year of parade of planets! The new difficulties and tasks go continuously by flows. And here again rotten крикуны I begin орать, that weather itself is done(made), that them fills in also by him(it) coldly! Only daily, years(summer) having watered all land of a planet will allow it(her) normally to live and to exist. She(it) will be reserved флорой and фауной, energy of other kinds and forms, and will manage to remain the year round бесснежной, giving crops for life of the man, флоры and other kinds. Certainly, that with средины of August and till May, 2012 it is necessary "Н", "НГ" and "К" to submit equatorial and other heat on Moscow, Russia and planet. But by him(it) it will do(make) much more easy, if they will give enough moisture in the summer on huge open spaces of Great Russia and other parts of a planet. Now there is a precise prospect of reception of the first experience бесснежной of Moscow 2012 - 2013. It will be possible it to make "Н", "НГ" and "К" till May, 2013, means, in one year the planet will leave on an absolutely new mode of life in space. Do not prevent, bastards! Stop звереть, to knock, to rattle костями and languages. Work!
We work, gods! Гоним a moisture up to Улан-Батора!

The prevention(warning) "Н" and "НГ"!

4:32 11.08.2012г.
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of fourteen degrees.
11.08.2012г. 3:59
Крикуны, other figures and the various conditions have compelled "НГ" to stop and to not submit a moisture with a cool on Russia through Europe from Atlantic and Arctic Region with July 23 and till August 4 it, 2012. The ruthless sun сожгло also has destroyed much флоры and фауны.
August 4 it, 2012, "НГ", "Н" and "К" again have renewed submission of this moisture and cool.
8 and August 9 they have stopped for check of the action. The sun again has struck ruthlessly.
August 10 "Н", "НГ" and "К" have continued submission specified of a moisture and cool.
Proceeding from the submitted results of researches and conclusions, "Н" and "НГ" warn the inhabitants of a planet, that since today will submit a moisture and cool on Moscow and Russia the year round, using various ways. Prepare, "sirs", for regular, almost daily deposits, with plentiful crops, the year round and on all planet!
To the fans(amateurs), "meetings" and "гуляний", more place on a planet will not be!
24.08.2012г. 6:01.
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature - plus of twelve degrees.
This month "Н", "НГ" and "К" have submitted to Moscow thirteen days with rains. It already is more, than in September or October of the last year. "Н", "НГ" and "К" plan all autumn, winter and spring of this year to submit waters of Atlantic on Russia, and along all northern coast of Russia, which is stretched on tens thousand kilometers. It will allow practically to kindle ice of Arctic Region and seas Northern Ледовитого of ocean washing all North of Russia. The Arctic Region this winter can be with temperature of zero of degrees, if not is higher! Greenland and Northern America can become warm autumn, winter and spring this year.
It will allow to compensate losses of crops of a planet of a summer(years) it, 2012 and even to collect vast crops the year round. Is not present, and will not be global потеплений, похолоданий of a planet and раскачиваний of its(her) axis, about what lift shout in the Internet! Will be extreme heavy and hard work "Н", "НГ" and "К", saving a planet from destruction!
Observe the accelerated movement of waters of Atlantic along coasts of England, Greenland, Scandinavia and all North of Russia! Simultaneously, observe, often enough, rains in Europe and Russia!
The inclinations of an axis of a planet and change of its(her) speeds of movements automatically vary, according to works "Н", "НГ" and "К"! North of Russia, for the first time, can become this autumn, winter and spring, warm, поливным and fruitful! All Russia can this year, all autumn, winter and spring to become years(summer), warm and поливной! Be prepared for crops in Europe and Russia in the autumn, winter and spring! But remember: " Береженого, the God protects "! Europe and Russia can leave on a new level of natural riches, but only under condition of continuous work "Н", "НГ" and "К"! Other parts of a planet, thus, automatically will receive the shares of natural riches.
The most important task "Н", "НГ" and "К" in it, most complex(difficult) астрологически to year - to keep life on a planet.
The plans of improvements of a climate of a planet this year is a maximum of their aspirations.
24.08.2012г. 6:46.
25.08.2012г. 12:02.
In Moscow, on Star - ре, temperature of air - plus of eighteen degrees.
At submission of waters of Atlantic, along coasts of Europe, Scandinavia and all North of Russia, there is a natural question: " by What way these waters can come back back, under condition of balance? " You see Берингов a strait very narrow, in comparison with space between Greenland and Scandinavia, through which these waters along the specified coasts move. It(he) will not allow all waters to come back back, around of Eurasia. This question has forced "Н" and "НГ" to refuse such technology of protection of Russia from fatal colds and infernal, all of burning heat of the Sun of the past and позапрошлого of years. The same question has set "НГ" one of these days one of сильнейших of the experts of a planet.
The decision has appeared ingeniously simple. It is necessary to submit only top layers of waters of Atlantic. They will be cooled by Arctic Region, and to come back back by bottom layers of the seas and oceans. It is simultaneously necessary to submit on land of Europe and Russia, cloud and cloud of water for полива of a land, rains.
Then there is a number(line) new, processes in a nature, and technical decisions.
Флора and фауна will is global to move the year round by new ways.
Simultaneously there are many ways and technical decisions for movings ocean, sea and passing means.
The driven bottom and top layers of waters, can move the appropriate means without application of expenses on moving with the certain speeds. There will be new ways, device, design and technology of creation of means of moving.
In total some days of trial hours of works "Н", "НГ" and "К" in a new direction management of weather both climate, and the effect is obvious! Normal temperature in Europe, Russia, in Arctic Region and other parts of a planet is stabilized!
Recently arising frosts of North of Russia, already have disappeared. "Н", "НГ" and "К" submitted northern colds on Russia for its(her) rescue from mad heat of solar beams. The southern parts of Europe and Russia were in fires, not having time to receive a moisture both cool of Atlantic and Arctic Region, and the frosts already beat on all directions on Russia. The new decision allows by the best way to protect Europe and Russia from fatal beams of the Sun and frosts of space.
The effect proves to be true by real process of change of a climate in the best party, by reaction of the population of Moscow.
Грибники and the summer residents of Moscow, in these target(day off) amicably have rushed to a nature!
One of these days it to do(make) was still riskyly. That infernal heat of the sun, temperature is not higher plus of five degrees in the morning, even at the centre of Moscow, Kept muscovites in warm apartments.
The plans "Н" and "НГ" of deduction of damp and warm weather in Europe and Russia, autumn both winter, and next spring, become more real! We notice and we remember the facts!
25.08.2012г. 12:53. Луна и погода.The moon and weather.
Введение. Introduction.
Временные переходы.Temporary transitions.
Выводы по экспериментам со схемами управления бесконечной энергией точки. Conclusions on experiments with the circuits of management of infinite energy of a point.
Двигатель, поле, машина времени.
Новая физика. Новая математика.
Интеллект управляет точкой.The intelligence operates a point.
Наука, логика, теория.
Новые ТОЭ.
Обзор форумов по КПД.
Противоречия в науках.The contradictions in sciences.
Связь теорий с практикой.Communication (connection) of the theories with practice.
Управление бесконечными энергиями и разумом точки. Management infinite энергиями and reason points.
Философия отношений. Philosophy of the attitudes(relations).
Элементы работы Н.
Великие «тайны» потенциальных энергий точек. Great "secrets" potential энергий of points.
Здесь имеются видеоролики с приборами.
Укрывательство преступников!!!
другие темы:
Открытое обращение "Н" к Руководству России и Москвы.
Результаты открытого обращения "Н" к Руководству России и Москвы.
Коммунзм. Искусства бога.Начало.
Общее дело. Коллектив людей - богов.Распределение тепла.
Практические примеры искусств(технологий, операций) бога.
Практические результаты передачи экваториального тепла для Евразии.
Идеальный приемник излучения.
Погода в городах России и планеты.
Новые вещества.
Новые миры, существа, вещества, поля и элементы.Закон четырех.
Степени и звания.
Изменения Арктики, Антарктики и других точек холода.Финиш энергоавтономника.
Словарь бесконечностей точки.
Словарь бесконечностей точки.2.
Димашина, димобиль: реальная машина времени - перестраиваемая машина энергии. Новые формулы.
Образование нормального сознания.
Образование бесконечного сознания.
Бэфалд. Коррекция образования бесконечного сознания
Бэфалд. Коррекция образования бесконечного сознания 1.
Бэфалд. Коррекция образования бесконечного сознания. "Н" вновь останавливается!
Бэфалд. Закон сохранения энергии - пустая абстракция.
Абсолютный закон Зиновьева. The absolute law Зиновьева.
Абсолютный закон Зиновьева.Переработан и дополнен. The absolute law Зиновьева.Is advanced and is complemented.
Абсолютный закон Зиновьева. Абсолютная безопасность проекта. Absolute safety of the project.
Бэфалд. Новое учение на английском. The new doctrine on English.